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Strategic Plan Goals and Outcomes

Goal Desired Outcome Data Sources and Metrics
1.1 Cultivate an educational environment that promotes holistic growth and academic achievement.

a) Increase student participation in academic support programs and services that enable them to develop develop increased self-efficacy, social responsibility, and cultural awareness

b) Increase the number of students participating in high impact practices including campus employment, experiential learning, student research and career engagement.

Community Engagement Center S4 and CMS database

  • Increase the number of students participating by 10% points

Alumni Association Data and Jobs EQ & EMSI Databases

  • Track students' careers after graduation
1.2 Enhance knowledge and practices to make the University more student ready.

a) Increased number of students who feel engaged and supported inside and outside the classroom

b) Increase supportive and relational practices tosupport admissions and student success efforts


  • Increase engagement measures in NSSE, BCSSE, FSSE at all levels of the university.

Incoming Students Survey

  • Increase in percentage of students who plan to graduate in 4yrs or less FY/ 2yrs or less for Transfer.
1.3 Enhance opportunities for student career development and lifelong learning.

a) Students graduate with an increase in skills and knowledge that meet workforce needs/requirements.

b) Increase the number of graduating seniors applying to graduate school

c) Increase industry-academic partnerships that lead directly to job placements and career opportunities

d) Increase opportunities for adult learner success and educational attainment


  • Survey Alumni every 2 years.
  • Survey employers every 2 years.

CSU Chancellor's Office Labor Market Outcomes Dashboard

  • To be added

Career Center and Carson Center data

  • Increase academic partnerships that lead to job placements and career opportunities.
1.4 Improve academic degree completion rates.

a) Continue to employ strategies maximize progression to degree

b) Increase retention rates for first time students

OIREP Graduation and Retention Dashboard

  • Increase first-time student graduation rates:
    • 4-year graduation rates by 12 percentage points.
    • 4.5-year graduation rate by 12 percentage points.
    • 6-year graduation rate by 6 percentage points.
  • Increase transfer graduation rates:
    • 2-year graduation rate by 10 percentage points.
    • 4-year graduation rate by 10 percentage points.
  • Reduce graduation rate equity gaps to 0 percentage points.
1.5 Remove administrative barriers that impede student success.

a) Eliminate the 30 administrative barriers identified by the Administrative Barriers committee

b) Align with AICP goal # 21 - Reduce and remove administrative barriers to student graduation and goal # 16 - Develop strategies for reducing DFW rates

Admin Barriers List

  • Eliminate within one year of identification the administrative barriers identified by the Administrative Barriers Committee.
  • Increase undergraduate student enrollment by 1.5% each year for the next 5 years.
  • Increase graduate student enrollment by 2% each year for the next 5 years.
1.6 Close opportunity gaps for all students. Increase targeted support to assure that all students have the opportunity to achieve, persist and graduate

OIREP Dashboard Student Success Dashboard and Course Outcomes Dashboard

  • Reduce the equity gap to 0 percentage points.

OIREP Survey

  • Survey qualitative factors, including agency and collaboration among students.
2.2 Align instruction with principles and practice of equitable and inclusive teaching and learning

a) Increase the number of faculty that employ equitable and inclusive teaching practices.

b) Align with AICP goal # 7 - Embed DEIB strategy into colleges and departments through Deans and Associate Deans circle


  • Number of FLCs and number of FLC participants.
  • Number and percentage of faculty using equitable and inclusive teaching practices.
  • Collect baseline and follow-up data to determine changes in instructional practices over time.

Chancellor’s Office data

AA Assessment Coordinator

  • What faculty go through workshops
  • ACIP survey for shift in faculty knowledge.
2.3 Strengthen culture of appreciation that supports effective teaching, research, scholarship and creative activity

a) Tie recognition and reward into recruitment and retention strategies

b) Provide recognition, reward, and ongoing professional development for faculty and consistent with the university's mission and imperatives

c) Examine practice around salary and incentives

Budget FDW Data

  • Search OREID fund accts for increase in funding - internal and external.
  • Search for grant increase.
Curriculum Policy
2.4 Use university expertise in research, innovation and problem solving to address local, regional and global community challenges.

a) Increase in established partnerships supporting work on local and global challenges

b) Develop a structure that facilitates connections between university talent and expertise and community efforts

c) Create coordinated university-wide outreach and engagement plan that builds on existing efforts.

Anchor University Data

  • Work to measure.
2.5 Strengthen support for research and scholarly and creative activity

a) Increase opportunities for students and faculty to collaborate on research, scholarship and creative activities

b) Advance graduate education and lifetime learning

c) Enhance the support and infrastructure to increase funding and resources from grants, contracts and philanthropy

3.1 Empower and hold leadership accountable for efforts to create and maintain a just environment.

a) Alignment with AICP best practices for managers

  • Alignment with goal #8 and 9 of AICP - Increase sense of belonging and reduce incidence of bias

b) Embed DEIBJ goal #3 into leaders performance evaluations as outlined in the Antiracism and Inclusion Action Plan

c) (see AICP -

ABA Quarterly Report

  • Infer best practices out of ABA quarterly report and college of business (pilot). Inclusive Excellence Survey and Data
  • IE to measure activity.
3.2 Provide and institutionalize resources to students, faculty, staff, and communities who have been targeted for oppression.

Alignment with goal #8 and 9 of AICP - Increase sense of belonging and reduce incidence of bias

Bias Reporting Tool Data

3.3 Build capacity for students and employees to prioritize and receive resources and recognition for DEI work.

a) Implement Antiracism Learning and Literacy Goals 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 18 in the AICP

b) Implement recognition strategies identified in AICP Goal #5

3.4 Support, advocate for, and act with members of our community when they are exposed to injustices.

a) Align with AICP Goal #4-Establish a Community Safety Advisory Council and #8

b) University members (faculty, staff, and students) are trained to identify, report and take action when injustices occur.

c) Align with AICP goal #27 Execute a strategy to respond proactively to hate incidents and hate symbols to combat antisemitism, anti-blackness,anti-Asion, islamophobia, homophobia, etc.

Bias Reporting Tool Data

Annual Title IX training data

  • Student affairs is recreating their training
3.5 Implement policies that promote equity in compensation, recognition, and authority and that ensure fair hiring, recognition, and promotion processes for employees.

a) Implement hiring practices and studies in AICP

b) Implement AICP Goal #1 - Recruit and hire Underrepresented Staff and Faculty

c) Implement AICP Goal #19 - Assess feasibility for an equity salary program

d) Adopt use of equity minded principles into evaluation of employees

Current HR data

  • Weekly refresh cycle.
  • Develop high level snapshots in real-time.
  • Interest in race, gender, etc.
  • Distribution.

Exit Survey Data

  • Get access to exit survey data.
  • Would allow information on retention of employees (e.g., retention as a function of demographic group and factors that contribute to retention).
AICP Assessment Survey & Data
3.6 Foster a community of belonging for the campus community. Implemet the plan (as articulated in the AICP) to increase a sense of belonging on campus

AICP Campus Experience Survey

  • IE mentioned will be conducted in the future.

NSSE Incoming Student Survey

  • Baseline of the importance of belonging.


  • Past participation rates.

GPS Pin Data

  • Pins to report locations of belonging or not.
4.1 Employ strategies that promote equity for employees through training, education, and professional development.

a) Increase opportunities for faculty and staff to participate in professional development to foster career development and advancement #Communicate development opportunities will be consistently to all employees

b) Align with AICP goal # 25 - Embed antiracism and inclusive practives throughout all aspects of the campus and #13

HR Learning and Development Data

  • HR Learning and Development training participation rate.
  • Collect baseline.

Track Professional Development Funds

  • Who and how many attend conferences?
  • Who and how many receive fee waivers?
4.2 Build an an employee friendly and supported culture that attracts and retains high potential and high performing talent to the university.

a) Consistently convey the value of working at Sacramento State in all recruitment material and other messaging.

b) Implement consistent candidate experience and onboarding of new employees implemented.

c) Improve Recognition programs to ensure employees know they are valued for their contributions to the University.

d) Address salary and compensation issues

e) Develop practices around spousal/partner hiring, childcare opportunities, and flexible work schedule

f) Align with AICP goal # 15 and goal #1

Pulse Survey

  • HR pulse surveys 30 days after first day.

Exit Survey

HR Records

  • Track overall average salaries.

Faculty Advancement Records

  • Track Turn over / Retention rate on faculty and staff (soon).
  • Track Faculty attrition by demographics.
4.3 Align and increase philanthropic resources to build stability and support for student success and make transformational investment in the University possible.

a) Raise funds in support of student success and other campus resources including scholarships, paid internships, and support programming increases annually by xx percent per year.

b) Align advancement operational functions and human resources are aligned to ensure sustainable systems that support long-term plans around increased fundraising productivity and goals.

c) Strategically align fundraising priorities (including Placer Center and capital improvement projects) with funding needs, through academic and university partner collaboration

Development/Univ Advancement Fundraising Data

  • Financial Aid manage data on scholarships and internships.

Sponsored Research Grants

  • Use data in Sponsored research grants.

UEI Internships

  • Use data on internships.

Provost office for Placer Center data

Advocacy for Anchor Initiative

On the Rise Campaign Report

4.5 Build strong alumni and community engagement that supports our students and our philanthropic mission.

a) Increase capacity ofUniversity Boards (UFSS, SSAA, etc), university advisory committees, alumni, and friends of the university to serve as ambassadors, advocates, and connectors on Sacramento State's behalf.

b) Elevate the university in the community by coordinating communication efforts with community partners to provide for greater awareness of the University's impact and to allow for proactive partnership opportunities.

c) Align with goal # 23 in AICP - Supplement and advance Antiracism and DEIB efforts throught Advancement


Univ Advancement will follow up on ability to track units in database. 

  • Show hallmarks of progress and direction.
  • VP Office

Alumni Association


Anchor University

4.6 Expand campus sustainability efforts consistent with, but not limited to, the University 2021 Climate Action Plan

a) Develop a comprehensive assessment and plan identifying programs/areas to increase sustainability

b) Identify specific actions on campus that lower carbon footprint, increase renewable energy use and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate Action Plan


5.1 Align, update, and institutionalize policies and practices to improve reach, effectiveness, and sustainability of Anchor initiatives.

a) Develop a sustainable infrastructure for Anchor efforts, including adequate staff and baseline funding.

b) Develop a campus-wide tracking mechanism of anchor work (build xisting AUAC GIS/ tracking effort)

Anchor Action Plan
5.2 Provide an educational and work environment that develops students and employees who can engage effectively in local and global communities.

a) Increase student participation in community based service opportunities (internships, service learning, etc)that connect them with the community and the region

b) Increase employees and students regularly participation in community events and activities and receive recognition for their participation.

Anchor University

Community Engagement Center

Carlson Center

IPGE Study Abroad Data

  • Enrollment, registration, event attendance, participants.
5.3 Cultivate and expand purposeful, long-term and mutually beneficial community partnerships that support the Anchor mission.

a) Expand focused strategic partnerships with local school districts, hospitals, cultural institutions, entertainment venues, local and regional industry, and other organizations.

b) Address local workforce needs and investing in the local economy, (purchasing and contracting locally and increase volunteer opportunities).

c) Establish an ongoing/annual process to engage community partners about their needs.


Community Engagement Center

Career Center


Anchor Univ

College of Business


Univ Advancement - strategic partnerships, increase volunteer opportunities, workforce needs.

Anchor University

5.4 Educate and raise awareness of Sacramento State as an anchor institution in the region.

a) Share Anchor university programs and the number of lives impacted with the community through University Communications

b) Develop and use a. new marketing and education campaign

c) Improved website dedicated to existing community-engagement efforts across all core functions

Anchor University

UCOM and Marketing

6.2 Enhance Basic Needs Program to ensure food security, shelter, finances, and physical and psychological safety needs are met for students and employees.

a) Reduce food and housing insecurity across the campus community

b) Increase availability of mental health and wellbeing services offered on campus. c) Increase Students and Employees sense of physical and psychological safety on campus

Food Pantry

  • Track unique participants by week, month.


  • Track unique participants by week, month.


  • Can create and find questions.
  • Food insecurity among students.

Mental Health and Mental Health Services

Campus Police/Public Safety Data

  • Safety on campus and off campus day and night.
  • Employee Safety?

Risk Management

OIREP Employee Climate Survey

6.3 Provide a safe and secure environment for all members of the campus community and its visitors

a) Align with AICP Goal #4-Establish a Community Safety Advisory Council

b) Increase officer involvement in campus outreach and community education with a focus on crime prevention

c) Align with AICP goal #1

d) Increase investment in talent development through training, as well as recruiting,hiring and retaining individuals who represent the diversity of the community it serves.

Campus Police/Public Safety Data

  • Safety on campus and off campus day and night.
  • Employee Safety

Risk Management

6.4 Integrate wellness principles and practice into curricular education, advising, campus experiences, and scholarly and creative activity.

a) Embed principles of Wellbeing into policies, practices, and physical spaces

b) Increase use of discipline based community clinics to train students and to increase access to health care to underserved communities

c) Ensure students graduate from Sac State with the knowledge and skills to use wellness principles and practice in their professional and personal lives

CTL FLC Outcomes

  • American Healthy College association

Criteria for healthy campus work

UEI standards and guidelines

6.5 Integrate employee wellness measures and programs into human resources policies and procedures to enhance the lives of employees.

a) Develop and implement an evidence-based, comprehensive, sustainable worksite wellness program

b) Increase employees measures of wellbeing.

Wellness Survey

  • Data from faculty and staff from American Healthy College Association.

CDC Worksite Wellness Program

  • Criteria for Healthy Campus work.

The WELL at Sac State

Utilization data

  • Track students and faculty use or participation.

HR Wellness Programs