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Learning & Development Human Resources

Support Page Content

For Managers

Blurb here about being a manager at Sac State. Welcome. We're here for you. Thank you for bringing your leadership to Sac State.

Onboarding at the CSU:

CSU Onboarding


Aliquam a ante nec nunc cursus fringilla. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus in sapien quis mi elementum malesuada. Donec blandit dictum sapien, id convallis risus tristique dapibus. Donec scelerisque interdum est non auctor. Vivamus sollicitudin tempor elit, vitae condimentum augue mattis ut. Mauris a libero maximus, porta felis sit amet, hendrerit massa. Aenean gravida vitae orci nec scelerisque. Proin non massa ligula. Curabitur dui urna, finibus at turpis in, finibus cursus arcu. Etiam mattis arcu at lectus malesuada tempor eu sed sapien.

Heading 3: Unordered List

  • apple
  • orange
  • grape

Heading 3: Ordered List

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three


H2 is not to be applied. Use Section Subhead. If you should need a second headline, use H3 or start a new section.


H2 is not to be applied. Use Section Subhead. If you should need a second headline, use H3 or start a new section.


resources for your growth as a manager

CSU Competencies

H2 is not to be applied. Use Section Subhead. If you should need a second headline, use H3 or start a new section.


MPP evaluation