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Center for African Peace & Conflict Resolution College of Health & Human Services

Support Page Content

Center Information

Advisory Board Officers & Members

  • Dr. Ernest Uwazie, Director & Board Ex-officio
  • Dr. Data Barata, Chair
  • Dr. Davies Sasere, Secretary
  • Dr. Sylvester Bowie
  • Dr. Jessie Gaston
  • Dr. Elizabeth Mukiibi
  • Dr. Maria da Luz Alexandrino
  • Dr. Nicole Fox
  • Dr. Tina Jordan
  • Dr. Jaime Jackson
  • Dr. Alexa Sardina
  • Dr. Martin Boston
  • Dr. Brianna Grant
  • Theresa Abah
  • Dr. Michael Walker
Member Application


The Center for African Peace and Conflict Resolution (CAPCR) was established in 1996 at California State University, Sacramento, to provide conflict resolution and reconciliation services for agencies, governments, institutions, businesses, civil society and community organizations and other groups through training, education, research, and intervention.

CAPCR develops curricular/materials and provides training on mediation, negotiation, arbitration, and other conflict resolution services for governmental and nongovernmental organizations, business and community groups, public and private agencies, educational institutions and allied professional associations(in US/Africa).


  • Develop and implement programs that educate and promote peace & conciliation among African families, organizations, community groups, and governments, both in US/Africa
  • Conduct research and evaluations on African conflict situations, and serve as a clearinghouse/resource center
  • Establish institutional and community network of support in US/Africa on conflict resolution and assist in creation of indigenous conflict resolution institutes in Africa
  • Assist in mediation/arbitration/resolution of conflicts among Africans, when possible and with consent of disputing parties