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Division of Criminal Justice College of Health & Human Services

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Forensic Investigations Minor

Because the Division of Criminal Justice is an impacted major, the only minor currently offered is a Forensics Investigations Minor (FORI). It is only available to students majoring in Biological Science or Chemistry.


How to Apply for the Minor

Before you can apply to become a FORI minor, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Overall GPA of 2.6 or higher.
  • Completion of 45 units
  • Prerequisite coursework completed with a grade of C or better at time of application. In-progress coursework is not accepted.

The prerequisite courses are:

  • CRJ 1 Introduction to Criminal Justice
  • CRJ 2 Law of Crimes
  • CRJ 4 General Investigative Techniques

Upon completion of all the criteria, please email Destiny Effiong, Criminal Justice Advising Coordinator and she will process the paperwork.

Course Requirements - 21 Units

Prerequisite Lower Division Classes

Course Number Course Title Units
CRJ 1 Introduction to Criminal Justice and Society 3
CRJ 2 Law of Crimes 3
CRJ 4 General Investigative Techniques 3

Upper Division Classes

Course Number Course Title Units
CRJ 121 The Structure and Function of the American Courts 3
CRJ 141 Police and Society 3
CRJ 153 Advanced Criminal Investigation 3
CRJ 154 Introduction to Physical Evidence 3

How to Register for Courses

Lower Division

CRJ 1, 2 and 4 are open to all Sac State students. Register for them through your Student Center during your scheduled registration dates.

Upper Division

Open registration for CRJ 121 – 154 is only available to Criminal Justice majors.
Submit an OnBase Add/Drop/Withdrawal Form though My Sac State.

The class must have open spaces in it. Include a comment stating that you are a Forensics minor.