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Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Awards
This is a summer research opportunity for undergraduate students. However, a faculty mentor needs to be involved in the application (a separate file is attached). Project Grants will be available for up to $500 for supplies, equipment, services and travel directly related to activities for approved research projects. Stipends of up to $5000 will be available for undergraduate students working on approved research projects during the summer.
Deadline: The application for Summer 2024 is now closed.
Summer 2024 SURE Awardees

Avery Lambert
Faculty Name: Jonathan Gilkerson
Department: Biological Sciences
Project Title: Generation and Characterization of PpRALF Mutants in a Model Moss

Belle Glaesman
Faculty Name: Kim Mulligan
Department: Biological Sciences
Project Title: Examining the molecular mechanisms of the gut-brain axis in Drosophila—determining the influence of short chain fatty acids and oxidative stress

Citlalli Garcia
Faculty Name: Chris Lopez
Department: Biological Sciences
Project Title: Evaluation of cell elongation due to environmental stress in Paraclostridium bifermentans

Emma Lopez
Faculty Name: Clint Collins
Department: Biological Sciences
Project Title: How does bipedal hopping attenuate risk in experimentally manipulated light conditions in the field? A test with kangaroor rats.

Lexie Cepeda
Faculty Name: Tim Davidson
Department: Biological Sciences
Project Title: How Burrows of a Crustacean Ecosystem Engineer Affect Survivorship of Intertidal Species

Emily Lam
Faculty Name: Jackie Houston
Department: Chemistry
Project Title: Epoxidation Reactions Using an Iron Catalyst

Maarten Rios
Faculty Name: Claudia Lucero
Department: Chemistry
Project Title: Investigations Into the First Total Synthesis of Lorneic Acid F

Sophia Schultz
Faculty Name: Kathie McReynolds
Department: Chemistry
Project Title: Solid Phase Synthesis of Oligosaccharides Possessing Anti-Viral Potential

Thu Nguyen
Faculty Name: Linda Roberts
Department: Chemistry
Project Title: Amyloid formation in human and canine Apolipoprotein A-I

Austin Flood
Faculty Name: Jennifer Kusler
Department: Geography
Project Title: Tracing Microplastic Contamination: Analyzing the Relationship between Land Use and Microplastic Concentrations in Alpine Lakes of the Trinity Alps

Gabriela Cuellar
Faculty Name: James Wanket
Department: Geography
Project Title: Reconstructing Forest Dynamics and Wildfire Significance on Serpentine Soil in the Klamath Mountains from 1000 AD to Present

Rohit Joshi
Faculty Name: Anna Patterson
Department: Geography
Project Title: Using sediment pH to Identify human-set paleofires

Kristen Kettenhofen
Faculty Name: Julie Griffin
Department: Geology
Project Title: Bioapatite Thermometer in the Modern World

Sheng-Chang Chen
Faculty Name: Santosh Kandel
Department: Mathematics & Statistics
Project Title: A Cut and Paste Approach to Eigenvalues of Graph Laplacian

Sean Currier
Faculty Name: Mikkel Herholdt Jensen
Department: Physics & Astronomy
Project Title: Mechanical testing of plastics degradation under UV exposure