Support Page Content
Donate to Help Sacramento State
Annually the Renaissance Society awards scholarships to deserving Sacramento State students. Since its inception in 1993 and through 2024, the Renaissance Society has given 128 students scholarships for a total of $290,000 in awards. The scholarship program is supported by contributions from Renaisssance members. Two of the seven scholarships have been endowed.
You can meet the 2024 recipients here.
Watch their videos here.
Special Programs
Established in 2019 in conjunction with the College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (SSIS), the Renaissance Special Program Fund expands Renaissance’s educational offerings by supporting joint programs and events with Sacramento State. Contributions to the fund help Renaissance enhance the content and quality of our seminars and sponsor new learning opportunities.
Donate to Scholarships, Special Programs or both
You can use a credit card and can also donate in honor of someone (birthday, anniversary, achievement) or in someone's memory.
You can also donate via mailed check to either program. Make out your check to University Foundation at Sacramento State, putting "Scholarship Fund" or "Special Program Fund" in the Notes. Send the check to The Renaissance Society, CSUS, 6000 J St., Mail Stop 6074, Sacramento, CA 95819-6074.
ASI Food Pantry
Renaissance members have been contributing money and food donations for several years to help support the Food Pantry run by Associated Students Inc. (ASI). This Food Pantry helps out students who are food insecure. These days of high inflation have made eating well even more difficult for many students.
Donations of cash or check are regularly collected in First Friday seminars on campus by passing around envelopes. Members are also encouraged to donate to the Food Pantry online or at its office in the Student Union. In addition, Renaissance members contribute to the annual Thanksgiving special food drive and have twice won the coveted Golden Plate Award (see above with Sommer Hayes, ASI Food Pantry Manager).
You can find the main link for the Food Pantry here.
You can find the detailed Donations page here. Note the page has four different tabs for different kinds of donations accepted. The first on the left is basic monetary donations. You can donate there either online or by mailing in or dropping off a check. There is a recurring or scheduled donation option in the credit card section.
The second tab is for food and toiletry items. There is a list of what is needed (and what is NOT needed!) with instructions on how to drop off items. There is also a Donation Guide below for examples of culturally relevant items the Food Bank needs.
The third tab, which is new, is Legacy giving and how to leave money to the Food Pantry in your will.
The fourth tab on the right is an Amazon Wish List of things the Food Pantry would like to get to give to students who need them.
And here's a video about the Food Pantry.

Student Emergency Fund
The Renaissance Board also invites members to help students by making a donation to the Student Emergency Fund, which helps students with immediate financial crises.
Contribute to the Student Emergency Fund
If you go to this site to contribute, look for a box at the end called "In Honor of" and write in Renaissance Society so we can track members' contributions.