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The Offices of Research, Innovation & Economic Development Sacramento State

Support Page Content

Develop a Contract Proposal

Funding research, training, or other types of projects with contracts differs from funding through grants. A grant provides funding for you to pursue your own research and scholarly agenda. Grant awards are made in response to a project you propose while the focus of a contract, on the other hand, is usually to accomplish the funder’s specific needs by following a carefully designed Scope of Work.

ORIED’s Contract Services

If an agency or organization is interested in contracting for your expertise, contact our office at and we will assist you in the following areas:

  • Developing a cost estimate, or budget, that takes into consideration all costs associated with conducting the project on the Sacramento State campus or using Sacramento State resources.
  • Providing guidance on the development of the contract’s Scope of Work, a description of the project’s goals and objectives, and the tasks and timeline that will be required to complete in the project.
  • Ensuring that required institutional approvals to enter into a contract are obtained at the appropriate time.
  • Negotiating with the agency’s or business’s contract officer regarding the contract’s terms and conditions and working with the University’s auxiliary organization, University Enterprises, Inc. (UEI), regarding contract finalization and execution.

Contracting for Research or Training Projects for External Entities

Conducting research in your area of expertise for an external entity, such as a federal or state agency, a non-profit, or a private sector business, can be an excellent way to advance your own scholarship and expertise while serving to further Sacramento State’s missions of education and public service. By employing Sacramento State students as assistants on your project, you provide them with invaluable hands-on learning opportunities, as well as experience working with professionals, thinking critically and solving problems.

Establishing a Connection

Most Sacramento State faculty with ongoing research or training contracts got involved in such work through their contacts with current or past colleagues or mentors in their fields. Others have taken the initial step of contacting agencies or businesses they believe could use their expertise, after researching the agency’s or business’s needs.

Once an appropriate contact at the external agency or business has been identified, you should have an initial discussion to explore their needs further to determine if your expertise and the resources available to you as a faculty member at Sacramento State would be of value to them. If so, the next step would be to provide a summary Scope of Work describing how you would accomplish their research, training or other goals, and details on how much it would cost to have you carry out the project.

Independent Contracts: What You Should Know

Please be aware that if contracts are entered independently, the above services cannot be provided. Please read Independent Contracts: What You Should Know.

California Model Agreement

The California State University (CSU), University of California (UC) and the California Department of General Services (DGS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding for a standard model agreement format, including standardized proposal requirements for contracts and grants, as part of State Assembly Bill 20 (AB20).​ The California Model Agreement (CMA) provides model contract terms for use by State of California agencies that fund research, training or service activities performed by campuses of the UC and CSU systems.

Resources, including guidance, templates and details on the minimum indirect costs rate for agreements with State of California Agencies, visit the CSU California Model Agreement Resources Page.

Public Works Project Funding

Public works funding is not the typical sponsored projects funding that we handle in the Offices of Research, Innovation, and Economic Development (ORIED) and UEI Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA), because it requires specialized expertise in understanding and complying with these laws. Compliance is required no matter the level of the involvement in a public works project and activities cannot be parsed out as subject to or not subject the law. Thus, in consultation with legal counsel and after performing extensive due diligence, it has been determined that we must not be involved in performing public works projects as we do not have the means to comply with laws applicable to such projects.

Notice on Public Works Funding

Sample Agreements

Coming soon!