Barbara Carle Poetry Translation Literary Criticism
16. Poesie vegetali/Green Poems, by Lino Angiuli with English Translations and preface by Barbara Carle, Poems chosen by Maria Rosaria Cesareo and Barbara Carle, Introductions by Maria Rosaria Cesareo and Loredana Capone. 15. Emblems of Sleep and Other Poems, by Marco Vitale with critical preface and English versions by Barbara Carle, Gradiva Publications, 2020. 14.La ladra, Art book in a limited edition, Alma Charta Editions, Engraving and Printing by André Beuchat, 2020.
13. Gattizie, Art book in a limited edition, Il ragazzo innocuo editions, Luciano Ragozzino, etcher and printer, November, 2018.
12. New Book of Creative Writing, May 2016 -Intervista di Federica Velonà a Barbara Carle, Rai Letteratura, giugno, 2017 -Intervista di Marco Vitale a Barbara Carle SULLE ORME DI CIRCE Insula europea a Memorie d'oltreoceano, 2016 - "Colpisce del recente Sulle orme di Circe" di Luigi Fontanella in Libridine, Divagazioni su libri ed eventi, Gradiva, No. 51, Spring 2017, p. 185. -Spezzoni video della prima presentazione a Formia con Domenico Adriano 11. Bilingual Anthology of Poetry, 2017
High quality limited edition. Bilingual Homage to Artist and Publisher Nancy Watkins by: Annelisa Alleva, Domenico Adriano, Sauro Albisani, Marco Caporali, Barbara Carle, Michele Colafato, Francesco Dalessandro, Rodolfo Di Biasio, Edoardo Ferri, Gabriella Pace, Marco Vitale, Domenico Vuoto. Fammera Edizioni, 2017
10. New Translation of a Book of Poetry with Critical Introduction November by Domenico Cipriano, Gradiva Publications, Stony Brook, New York, September 2015 9. New Translation of Book of Poetry Liturgia familiare Family Liturgy by Tommaso Lisi, Il Labirinto, Rome, 2015
8. New Translations in Book with Critical Postface Lo sguardo nomade by Gabriella Pace, Ghenomena, 2014. 7. New Books of Translation 2013 - Bambina mattina by Domenico Adriano, co-translation of poetry into English and French, Ghenomena Editions (Italy), July, 2013 Read this book in digital form - Patmos by Rodolfo Di Biasio, a new edition with revised co-translation into English and French, Ghenomena Editions (Italy), August 2013. (Limited quality trilingual editions) Read this book in digital form Creative Writing BOOKS OF POETRY 6. Tangible Remains/Toccare quello che resta, Ghenomena Edizioni, May, 2009. (Poems in English and Italian), pp. 125. Selected Reviews of Tangible Remains Toccare quello che resta (PDF)
5. New Life/Nuova vita, Gradiva Publications, SUNY at Stony Brook, New York, May 2006 (poetry and prose), pp. 61. Recommended in Chelsea 82/83 2007, p. 293 in Recommended Reading Selected Titles, pp. 292-293. (Reviewed in Journal of Italian Translation, Gregory Pell, Volume 1, Number 2, 2006, pp. 310-314) 4. Don’t Waste My Beauty/Non guastare la mia bellezza, (bilingual collection of Poetry) Caramanica Italy, July 2006, pp.104. (Won the National Frascati Prize, Foreign Section “Italo Alighiero Chiusano”, 2000) - Reviewed in Gradiva, 31-32 Spring Fall 2007, p.199. - Included and commented in the Anthology : Dall’alto del Gianicolo vedo i Castelli Romani Poeti a Frascati 1959-2006, a cura di Domenico Adriano e Arnaldo Colasanti, Crocetti Editore, 2008:56-57,170-173. To see book covers and to read poems click on this link BOOKS OF TRANSLATION WITH CRITICAL ESSAYS: 3. Garden of Delight/Giardino di delizie, a poetry anthology by Gianfranco Palmery, translation and critical preface, pp. 125 . Gradiva Publications, Stony Brook, New York, May 2010. Reviews to date: -Alberto Toni in Avanti (Roma), 14 October, 2010, Arcipelago Libri, 6. 2. Other Contingencies/Altre contingenze, a poetry anthology by Rodolfo Di Biasio. translation and postface, pp. 300, Gradiva Publications, SUNY at Stony Brook, New York/ Caramanica Editore, Italy, May 2002.
1. Patmos (chapbook of poems) by Rodolfo Di Biasio. Editor of bilingual Italian/English volume, translation of poems and Introductory Essay, 53 pp., Gradiva Publications, SUNY at Stony Brook, New York, May 1998. RECENT TRANSLATIONS IN BOOKS - Guisa di ninfa, by Pasquale Gionta, Ghenomena, 2013, pp. 73. Viaggiare scroscia/ Travel Roars, 13 Rotabile stellare/ Stellar Carriage, 15 Solo un ritratto/ Only a Portrait, 17 Rosa dell'aria/Rose of Air, 19 Guisa di ninfa/In the Guise of a Nymph, 21 Cortesie incidentali/Accidental Courtesies, 59 Lascia la notte, il deserto, la tenda/Leave the Night, the Desert, the Tent, 61 - Paradigm New and Selected Poems1947-2009 by Alfredo De Palchi, Selected, Edited, and Introduced by John Taylor, Chelsea Editions, 2013, pp. 540. Sono/ I am (Costellazione anonima/Anonymous Constellation),152 La finestra incornicia la torre/The Window Frames the Carnivorous (Paradigma, L'assenza), 236 Inesorabile, avanza negli occhi lustri di febbre/Inexorable it Advances in Eyes Lustrous with Fever, 238 Potermi dichiarare, dire qualcosa dello strazio/If I Could Declare Myself, Say Something about the Torment, 240 Potrei ma non voglio imitare i guizzi/I Could but I Don't Want to Imitate the Snake, 242 Bavoso il fiato mi sigilla e sanno di sole/ Slobbering my Breath Seals me and the Leaves, 244 All the poems from Paradigm(8) except for the first, pp. 276-290 Essenza carnale/Carnal Essence,pp. 292-332 Ultime/The Last Ones,pp.336-342
INTRODUCTIONS AND TRANSLATIONS - "Someone Is Calling Me from Another Place: The Two Worlds of Gabriella Pace,” Nine poems translated into English with critical introduction in Journal of Italian Translation, Vol VII, Number 2, Fall 2013, pp. 10-17. - "Abandoning Troy for Cats and Angels: Translation of Four Poems by Lucio Zinna" (with critical introduction) Journal of Italian Literature,Volume V, No. 1, 104-113, Spring, 2010. These translations are now available online from the Journal of Italian Translation webpage or LietoColle - "Fabio Scotto's Topographic Poems: Writing Places," Journal of Italian Literature, Volume III, No. 2, Fall 2008, 102-109. -Introduction to Mario Luzi's Earthly and Heavenly Journey of Simone Martini, translated by Luigi Bonaffini, Green Integer Books, 2003: 5-15.- "Introduction and English Translation of Two Poems by Rodolfo Di Biasio," Journal of Italian Translation, Volume II, No. 2, Fall 2007: 46-51. -"The Sun in the Sepulcher: Six Poems by Gianfranco Palmery," Introduction and Translation, Gradiva, No. 33, Spring, 2008: 80-96 -"Seven Poems from Alfredo De Palchi's Essenza Carnale," Translation and critical Introduction, Italian Poetry Review (Columbia University), Volume II, 2007: 233-236. -"Introduction and Translation of eight poems by Alfredo De Palchi," Gradiva 19, International Journal of Italian Poetry, SUNY at Stony Brook,Spring 2001:10-27. -"Three Poems by Alfredo De Palchi," Translation and Critical Introduction, Journal of Italian Translation, 2, Fall 2006: 89-95. -"In the Shadow of Alfonso Gatto: Graziana Pentich" (Introduction and translations), Gradiva, 29, Spring 2006, 88-99. TRANSLATIONS (POETRY) - "Translation of Four Poems from the Italian and the Portuguese by Marco Lucchesi" in Journal of Italian Translation, Volume II, No. 2, Fall 2007: 236-241. - Rodolfo Di Biasio, "Poemetto dei naufragi e delle rottamazioni/Poem of Scrap Heaps and Shipwrecks," Gradiva, 31-31 Spring and Fall 2007:118-119. - Translations from the poetry of Giorgio Caproni and Giovanni Giudici in Quelli che da lontano sembrano mosche. Poesia italiana 1956-2006. (two volumes) Anthology of Twentieth Century Italian Poetry, Editors Luigi Ballerini and Giuseppe Cavatorta, University of Toronto Press, Forthcoming. “Some Recent Poems,” Translation of Three Poems by Alfredo De Palchi, The Love Book, Special Issue, vols.12, 13,14 of Collages&Bricolages, (Pennsylvania, 2002): 34-37. “Ornithological Series,” Translation of Three Poems by Rodolfo Di Biasio, Chelsea 70/71 (New York City, 2001): 79-81. The Canticle of Brother Sun (Cantico di Frate Sole of San Francesco d'Assisi) Sol Invictus, Special Edition (Vandercook Press), Drawings by Stefan C. Arteni, Design by Myriam S.P. De Arteni, New York, 1992. ARTICLES AND ESSAYS « Dalle zolle perdute alla finestra: l’identità letteraria dei confini in Lina Galli e Graziana Pentich » in Atti del Convegno su L’esodo giuliano dalmata nella letteratura, Trieste, 28 febbraio-1 marzo, 2013, Rivista di letteratura italiana, Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2014:386-394. "Viaggio attraverso le rime di Alfonso Gatto: i sonetti," (Refereed article) in book of essays Letteratura e oltre: Studi in onore di Giorgio Baroni, Fabrizio Serra Editore, Pisa, 2012: 68-72 Forthcoming: "Under Mario Luzi’s Poetic Spell," Introductory essay to Luigi Bonaffini's translation of Under Human Species by Mario Luzi, Legas, Canada, 2018. "The Lexicon of Costellazione anonima : A Paradigmatic Poem" in La potenza della poesia: Alfredo de Palchi, edited by Roberto Bertoldo Edizioni Dell’Orso, 2008: 51-57. "Bolaffio e Saba, La consonanza artistica," Atti del Covegno su Umberto Saba, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 14-16 novembre, 2007, Rivista di letteratura italiania, XXVI, 2-3, 2008: 61-68. This article is cited in Vittorio Bolaffio by Daniele D'Anza, Trieste, Fondazione CRTrieste, 2010, p. 72. "Poiein and Pictura in Alfonso Gatto's Rime di viaggio per la terra dipinta," (Refereed article) Italica, Vols. 83-84, Fall/Winter 2006-2007: 489-504. FOR THE RECORD: This article appeared with serious editorial errors. A chart from a preceding article on Ungaretti by Luigi Paglia was inserted into my essay. The title, which appeared correctly in the margins and table of contents, was misspelt and erroneously placed at the foot of the last page of Paglia's note section. The editor never issued an ERRATA CORRIGE nor publicly acknowledged these major mistakes. Instead a few extra issues, only partially corrected, were sent to me. The version below is more correct than the one which appeared in the journal. To read final proof version of article please click here "The American Editions of Alfredo De Palc hi's Poetry: The Scorpion's Dark Dance, Sessions With My Analyst, Anonymous Constellations, Addictive Avversions." Gradiva, 30, Fall 2006: 12-28. Critical introductions to the poetry of Antonella Anedda and Gianfranco Palmery in Tre generazioni di poeti italiani. Un'antologia del secondo '900 a cura di Francesco De Nicola e Giuliano Manacorda, Caramanica Editore, December, 2006: 23-25, 383-395. On Translating: "From Antoine Berman to Antonia Pozzi" Binding the Lands Present Day Poets Present Day Poetry. Proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium of IPSA (Italian Poetry Society of America) New York, November 11-13, 1999. Edited by Alessandro Carrera and Alessandro Vettori, The New Jersey Institute of Italian and Italian American Heritage Studies. Edizioni Cadmo, 2004: 231-236. (REPRINT article was originally published in Polytext) "Dall'antitesi al dialogo: le figure orfiche di Quasimodo," Essays from the International Symposium on Nobel Prize Poet Salvatore Quasimodo: Nell'antico linguaggio, altri segni: Salvatore Quasimodo poeta e critico in Rivista di Letteratura Italiana, 2003, XXI, 1-2: 97-102. "Sulla traduzione: ad esempio Patmos di Rodolfo Di Biasio," Misure critiche 105-108 (Università di Salerno, Spring 2001): 133-143. "Stanzare le distanze; On the Poetry of Luigi Fontanella," Rivista di studi italiani VII/2 (University of Toronto, Fall 2000 ): 242-268. "Dal fuoco all'acqua: La poesia di Alfredo De Palchi," Hebenon 6 (Torino, Fall 2000): 56-67. "Flower Lexicon, Metaphor and Imagery in Antonia Pozzi's Parole." Romance Notes vol. XXVIII/1 (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1997): 79-86. "Mario Luzi's Pictorial Poesis: Avvento notturno (1940) and Viaggio terrestre e celeste di Simone Martini (1994)." Italica, vol. 73/ 1 (The Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Italian, Spring 1996): 68-82. (Refereed Article) This article is quoted by Gregory Pell in "Mario Luzi's Il fiore del dolore: From Seed to Flower, Poetic Word to Theatrical Word, Voice to Incarnation," Italica Volume 84 Numbers 2-3, 2007, p. 345. "Il carcere dell' identità: il fenomeno della political correctness negli Stati Uniti d'America," I Quaderni di Gaia, vol. 8 (University of Rome, La Sapienza, 1994): 97-109. (Refereed Article, co-authored) "Natalia Ginzburg's Narrative Voci della sera," Quaderni di italianistica, vol. XIV/2 (University of Toronto, 1993-94): 239-254. "Un poème en prose italiano: "La notte" di Campana," I Quaderni di Gaia, vols. 5-6-7 (May 1993): 99-106. "An Intertextual Reading of Canto secondo and Canto terzo from Ungaretti's La morte meditata," Romance Notes, vol. XXXIV/1 (Fall 1993): 55-60. "Ungaretti and Valèry: From Intertextuality to Hypertextuality," Italica, vol 68/1 (The Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Italian, Spring 1991) : 29-43. "Motivi valéryani in Ungaretti: Narciso," Galleria (Salvatore Sciascia Publisher, Palermo/Leonardo Sciascia, Editor, Maggio-Agosto 1989): 167-180. CREATIVE WORKS (POETRY A SELECTION) “In clinica,” Trasmigrazioni, anno II, n. 2 luglio 2009 2010 (published in 2011), Ragusa, Italy: 64. "La (sua) scrivania," "L'arte stremata del cuore," " Il giardino vero," poems in Italian, in Arenaria, vol. 5, July 2011 (Palermo): 60-61. "Alice of Wonderland in the Catacombs of Paris/Alice delle meraviglie nelle catacombe di Parigi," Hebenon, November, 2007, Anno XII Terza Serie, n. 9: 34-36. "Scarf/Sciarpa," Hebenon, November, 2007, Anno XII Terza Serie, n. 9: 37. "Shakti/Sciacqti," Hebenon, November, 2007, Anno XII Terza Serie, n. 9, 38. "Eucalyptology/Eucaliptologia," Hebenon, November, 2007, Anno XII Terza Serie, n. 9, 39-40. "Theft/Furto," Hebenon, November, 2007, Anno XII Terza Serie, n. 9, 40-41. "From Tears to Calligraphy/Dalle lacrime alla calligrafia."Hebenon, November, 2007, Anno XII Terza Serie, n. 9, 42. "Rage/Rabbia,"Hebenon, November, 2007, Anno XII Terza Serie, n. 9, 43. Poems in English and Italian with translations by the author. Selection of poems in Italian translated by Antonella Anedda, in Poeti e Poesia, Review, Ed. Elio Pecora, Rome, 2005. “The Grains of Sand,” Chelsea 72 (New York City, September 2002):125 “Your Shell Which Wakes,” Chelsea 72 :126 “Downpour Over the Forest,” Chelsea 72 :127 “During My Bengali Adolescence,” Chelsea 72 :128 “Love Keeps Disquieting Me,” Chelsea 72 :129 “Unmake the Silence,” Chelsea 72 :130 “They Breathe, They Listen,” Chelsea 72 :131 “The Proportions of Your Absence,” and “I Hear You Say,” The Love Book, Special Issue, Vols. 12, 13, 14 Collages & Bricolages, 2002:71-72 “Untitled” (After Reading Alfredo De Palchi), Gradiva 20/21 (International Journal of Italian Poetry, Fall 2001/Spring 2002):144. "So gentle and fair is the noble air", Translation from Dante's Vita nuova, International Poetry Review, Fall 2000: 8-9. "Water" North Texas Review (University of North Texas), 1998: 46. “No” and “A Flash,” Touchstone, vol. XXI, Special Issue (Spring, Texas, Winter 1996/1997): 42. “Colors,” Paris/Atlantic, Vol. 16 (An International Journal of Creative Work sponsored by the American University of Paris, Fall, 1996): 31. “Palomas,” Grasslands Review (University of North Texas) no 14, Winter 1996: 42. “Untitled Poem Number 11” and “Fair Weather,” Poet, vol.5/2 (Cooper House Publishing, Oklahoma City, Fall/Winter 1993-94): 24. “Untitled Poem Number 52,” Poet, vol. 3/3 (Winter 1991-92): 22. “Pencil,” Connecticut River Review, vol. 12/1 (The Connecticut Poetry Society, Fall/Winter 1990):13. INTERVIEWS AND TRANSLATIONS "Conversazione con Rodolfo Di Biasio," An Interview with Rodolfo Di Biasio, Gradiva 19 (SUNY, Stony Brook, Spring 2001): 130-133. An Interview with Jean Ricardou: "How to Reduce Fallacious Representative Innocence, Word by Word," Studies in Twentieth Century Literature (1991), pp. 19 (co-translated) BOOK REVIEWS Aprile degli anni, by Francesco Dalessandro, Novi Ligure, 2010, pp. 80, Forum Italicum. Eternità delle rovine by Renzo Ricchi, Giuliano Ladolfi Editore, 2011, pp. 130, Forum Italicum. From Dust and Dissolution to Domestic Harmony: Three New Poetic Voices: L'onore della polvere by Luca Benassi, Novi Ligure, puntoacapo, 2009, 60 pp. La nudità by Stelvio Di Spigno, con postfazione di Fernando Marchiori, Puglia, peQuod, 2010, 93 pp. Libro domestico by Rossella Tempesta, Formia, Ghenomena, 2011, 46 pp. Italica. Corale con trittico (2008-2009), Giovanni Occhipinti, Preface by Giorgio Bárberi Squarotti, Introduction by Mario Specchio, Salvatore Sciascia Editore, Caltanissetta-Rome, 2010, 93 pp, Gradiva, 41-42, 2012:189-190. Review Essay on Laura Riding Jackson, A Mannered Grace: The Life of Laura (Riding) Jackson, by Elizabeth Friedmann, and The Laura (Riding) Jackson Reader, Chelsea, 79, 2005: 216-219. The Siege, by Ljuba Merlina Bortolani, Boa Editions, 2002 and Northern Geography by Gabriela Fantato, Gradiva Publications, 2002. Review Article, Chelsea 75, 2004: 231-234. Variable Star, Vittorio Sereni, translated by Luigi Bonaffini, Guernica, Canada, 1999, pp. 83, Chelsea 70/71 (New York City, 2001): 321-323. Dreams and Other Infidelities, Antonio Porta, translated by Anthony Molino, Xenos Books, 1999 pp. 100. California, 1999, Chelsea 70/71 (New York City, 2001): 319-321. Animal World/ Mundo animal, Antonio di Benedetto, Xenos Books, 1997, pp. 138, Chelsea 70/71 (New York City, 2001): 318-319. The Contagion of Matter, Valerio Magrelli, Holmes & Meier Publishers Inc. 2000, pp.171, Chelsea 70/71 (New York City, 2001): 315-318. Terra del tempo e altri poemetti, Luigi Fontanella, Book Editore, 2000, pp. 99 and The Transparent Life and Other Poems, Luigi Fontanella, translated by Michael Palma, Gradiva Publications, pp. 200, Forum Italicum (Fall Issue, 2000): 84. La presenza complessa, Mario Moroni, Longo Editore, Ravenna 1998, pp. 163, Italica, vol 77/2 (The Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Italian, 2000): 261-262. Phrases and Passages of a Salutary Song, Mario Luzi, translated by Luigi Bonaffini, Guernica, Montreal, 1999, pp.144, World Literature Today, vol. 74:1 (2000):135-136. Italian Women Poets of the Twentieth Century, Edited by Catherine O'Brien, Irish Academic Press, 1996, pp.311, Italica, vol. 76/2 (Summer 1999): 251-253. Anima, Dramma in tre atti, Amelia Pincherle Rosselli, a cura di Natalia Costa-Zalessow, Salerno Editrice, 1997 pp.117, Italica, vol. 76/3 (Fall 1999): 425-426. Ceres (Poesie 1986-1992), Luigi Fontanella, Caramanica 1996, pp. 104. Forum Italicum, vol. 31, (State University of New York at Stony Brook, Fall 1997): 588-590. For the Baptism of Our Fragments, Mario Luzi, Transl. Luigi Bonaffini. Guernica, Montreal, 1992, pp. 190. Italica, vol. 73/2 (Summer 1996): 283-284. Twentieth Century Italian Poetry. An Anthology. Ed. John Picchione and Lawrence R. Smith. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, Autumn 1993. pp. xxv + 509. Italica, vol 72/3 : 419-421. The Wall of the Earth (1964-1975), Giorgio Caproni, translated by Pasquale Verdicchio. Montreal Guernica, 1992. pp.92, Voices in Italian Americana, vol. 4/2 (Bordighera Inc. Purdue University, Fall 1993): 167-169. Correspondance Jean Paulhan-Giuseppe Ungaretti: 1921-1968, edited by Jacqueline Paulhan, Luciano Rebay and Jean-Charles Vegliante. Preface by Luciano Rebay. Paris, Gallimard, Cahiers Jean Paulhan no 5, 1989, pp. 702, Italica, vol. 68/1 (Spring, 1991): 69-73. Tre Poeti traduttori, Iginio De Luca, Firenze, Leo Olschki Editore, 1988 pp. 311, Italica, vol 67/3 (Autumn 1990) : 391-393. Ungaretti entre les langues, ed. J.C. Vegliante, Paris, Italiques, 1987, pp. 144, Italica, vol. 67/2 (Summer 1990): 260-262. |
Updated:December 31, 2013