Dr. Elizabeth H. Morgan

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Community-based Research



The word Sankofa comes from an African language which means “go back and fetch it” which is significant to the mission and purpose of the group which is to take information and resources we learn back to people in the community. Sankofa was founded in 2015 in order to meet the unique needs of parents of Black children with autism and other developmental disabilities. Since our inception, Sankofa has supported the needs of the parents by providing advocacy and resources that have increased awareness of developmental disabilities at the community level.

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Sharing Our Journey: UC Davis Mind Institute [YouYube Playlist] 

Also available in Spanish 

Module 1: Understanding and Accepting the Diagnosis

Module 2: Understanding how to Access Evidence Based Services

Module 3: The Role of the Regional Center and Creating Strong Family-Provider Partnerships

Module 4: Overcoming Stigma and Creating Community Module