News & Media


Sacramento Area Youth Speaks (SAYS)

Annual SAYS Summit Collge Day | UC Davis

Dr. Watson is the founder of Sacramento Area Youth Speak (SAYS). Take a look inside the annual SAYS Summit College Day at UC Davis:

SAYS 4th Annual Summit (WRITES OF PASSAGE) from Friends of MVMT Films on Vimeo.

Sacramento Area Youth Speaks (SAYS): Our Write to Heal 2015 from Friends of MVMT Films on Vimeo.

Institute for Advancing Unity

Annual SAYS Summit Collge Day | UC Davis

Dr. Vajra Watson was selected as a leader for the Institute for Advancing Unity. Check out this video and the lesson that focuses on “poetry as protest.” 

The Blackson Sonrise

African American and African Studies Brown Bag Lecture Series | UC Davis

UC Davis African American and African Studies Brown Bag Lecture Series featuring Dr. Vajra Watson’s research in Oakland Unified School District and her evaluation report, The Black Sonrise:

UC Davis Equity Summit and Social Justice Awards

Equity Summit | UC Davis

Dr. Watson established the UC Davis Equity Summit and Social Justice Awards. Take a look inside this powerful gathering of change-makers:


Sac State News
Sacramento State Welcomes Dr. Vajra Watson


A Vision for Educational Equity



National News

Diverse Education


Altanta Black Star
