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Actually, any question that HAS been asked is posted here.
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What Does 1.83234 E-04 Mean? Is it an error?
◊ How Come my File is SO huge?


 Why doesn't the Hyperlink Function Work in the Client Sheet? 





How do I Attach a Macro to an item, or button?
How do I Record a Macro - for instance the "BACK" button?
How do I Edit a Macro?
There is no "Stop Recording" Macro button!
What does this macro thing mean... Dim Asset As String, Case, etc.?
Assorted Notes for Editing the "Pick" macro.
I Edited The Macro, How do I save it?






 What Does 1.83234 E-04 Mean? Is it an error?
"I got the Beta, but after using the formula =SLOPE() Excel displays the following
strange answer as the Beta 1.83234 E-04. Does it indicate an error? What did I do wrong?"
NOTHING! You did everything correct! The number format you list does not indicate
an Error, but rather an Exponent, or more correctly, scientific notation. 
Your result: Beta = 1.83234 E-04 means:
1.83234 times 10 to the -4th power (.0001). What you need to do
is re-format the number in that cell.
To better display the the data, Simply:
1.      RIGHT-CLICK on the cell, 
2.      Select "Format Cells,”
3.      Click on the "Numbers" tab, 
4.      Change type of number from "Scientific" to "Number".
5.      Select number of decimal places (For instance 7), and <ENTER>.
It should now read: 0.0001832
 How Come my File is SO huge?
You probably saved the file in an alternative filetype. If you saved it as type:
Microsoft Excel 97-2002 & 5.0/95 Workbook (*xls), your file will be HUGE!!
Re-save it as a Microsoft Excel Workbook (*xls). 
That should bring the file to a manageable size (<500kb)

 Why doesn't the Hyperlink Function Work in the Client Sheet? 
"I successfully inserted the hyperlink into the Client Sheet, but I get a 
“Cannot Open Specified File” error message when I click on the hyperlink. 
On the Financial Page did you input the FULL web address? For instance, for AOL, 
did you input: www.aol.com   or  http://www.aol.com?
Excel is smart enough to know that "www" indicates a web address and to launch the
web browser. However, once it is part of a formula – it is treated as a text string. 
Excel only knows that the text is a link, but DOESN’T know that it is a web address.
Therefore, every time you type in a web address get in the practice of typing the 
FULL address: http://….
If clicking on a hyperlink works on the Financial Page, but not on the Client Page 
(or gives an error message):
·        Go back to the Financial Page,
·         Change all of the websites to the FULL address 
 (Ex)  Correct: http://www.ge.com    Incorrect: www.ge.com

How do I attach a macro to an item, or button?

1. First,  Create a Button or Object 
    (Views->Toolbar-> Select: Forms and then Button)
2. Right-Click on the Button, Select ASSIGN MACRO
3. Select Which Macro you want
4. Click OK
5. Test the button.


How do I record a macro - for instance the "BACK" button?

NOTE: Excel will record EVERY think you do - so Think before you click.

1. Click on the REPORT sheet
2. Go to TOOLS->MACRO-> Record a macro
4. Name the macro SWITCH1 (or Pick1, Report1, etc)
5. Click on CLIENT sheet tab
6. Click on cell A1





How do I Edit a Macro?

1. Go to Tool->Macro->Macros
2. Highlight the correct Macro (For instance:  Switch1)
3. Select EDIT
4. This launches Visual Basic. What you should see is:

Sub Switch1

Some Green Text

End Sub




There is no "Stop Recording" Macro button!
If you ever clicked off the Macro Toolbar (Visual Basic) then the Floating "Stop Recording" button will not automatically appear. Just go to:

Tools -> Macro -> Stop Recording



What does this macro thing mean... Dim Asset As String, Case, etc.?


If you click approx on  the 6th line  (Look for the blank one - that is NO green dashes or lettering) and Insert the data given. There should still be an End Sub at the end of the macro. Should be similar to (NOTE: only two cases are shown - you will need one for EACH company):

Dim TICKER As String              (Sets-up a variable named "ticker")
TICKER = Range("<cell>")
        (Connects a value to the variable "ticker" - in <cell>)
Select Case TICKER             
  (Compares the "ticker" to different possible values)
Case "GE"                            
 (Compares "ticker's" case: Is it GE?)
(If Yes - run the macro - Ge_Rpt, if not - then...)
Case "INTC"                          
(...Compares "ticker's" case: Is it INTC?)
(...If Yes - run INTC_Rpt, if not - then...)
Case Else                             
(...If it is anything Else...)
End Select                            
(...Do nothing!)



Assorted Notes for Editing the "Pick" macro

Don't try to understand it or its code, just memorize the correct lines to edit it.

Green Letters
Any lettering in Green is ignored by Excel. The -
' - symbol also says, "Ignore this line"

You need one Case for each company - that is there are 10 cases (PG, T, DIS, PGE, JNJ,etc) followed by the correct macro 

Needs Quotes. Substitute <cell> with the cell in the CLIENT sheet that contains the company ticker for that asset.

quotes. Must EXACTLY match the company on the CLIENT sheet in both case and letters. For instance, INTC intc, INT, and Intel all all considered TOTALLY different! If Excel doesn't find INTC in that Range cell, it moves to next line.

Is a macro, and is NOT in quotes. It is whatever name you gave that company's macro.

Case Else
End Select
Tells Excel, Any other case, do nothing, so nothing happens…




  I Edited The Macro, How do I save it?

You don't. Changes made in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is reflected IMMEDIATELY in Excel. Therefore, you just close VBA and continue working.