Sample Student Projects From the PIT

These are sample projects from Magnolia Intermediate School in Grass Valley, California.  Magnolia is a middle school, 6th-7th-8th graders.  There are about 800 students.

Wordprocessing/Multimedia/Internet/Spreadsheet-Database/Video-Digital Still

Activities that take place the first few weeks.
First three days: Here are some quick wordprocessing activities that take place the first few days of school.  We like to get the students in the lab right away creating something very simple.  The following activities use Microsoft Word and the students review the basics as well as inserting clip art, turning on text wrap, and placing a border on the page.

8th Grade Orientation
We bring all the students into the lab for a quick orientation to check logon procedures.  Mr. Croft used to do this 'timeline' in class.  We turned it into a mini tutorial on searching the internet.

  • Internet Tips - These are the tips we have up on the wall.  These tips become the first search skills lesson.
  • 8th Grade Orientation - Internet Search -  This is the activity.  Each paragraph represents one year in the 8th grader's life.  The events in each paragraph took place in the same year. Using the new search skills, the students try and identify the year that goes with the events.

Bayne Poetry Unit-2nd and 3rd Week
This teacher brings in the 6th graders 4-5 times the first week to type these simple poems.  She likes to start with this unit on poetry because the kids can create 3-4 documents and have success immediately, while learning the basics of MS Word.

7th Grade Science
This is an assignment where the students have to start thinking metophorically from the start.  They locate pictures using that represent the size of the wave lengths of the spectrum.

The Meet Me Stack - A quick multimedia project, three cards, 4 buttons, import a background, insert a graphic object and manipulate a few text objects.  Now, move on to the curricular projects. Buttons don't work on this example but you get the idea.

7th Grade Word/Internet Orientation
We inserviced the whole 7th grade with this procedure. It takes about 6-7 days but when they are done they have a decent understanding of MS Word as well as some search skills under their belt.

Word Processing





  • Internet Search Skill Signs on the lab walls.
  • Magnolia Student Links  This is the screen that all students see when they launch a browser.  We can add sites to either grade level. This makes it very efficient for students to access teacher selected websites.
  • Web based reading activities - We do a lot of activities where the student uses a teacher selected web page to answer some questions.  The students are general motivated, working at their own pace and 'in control.'  We have found these avtivites to work well.  The students read, interact and answer questions on their own. (Samples include the first page)
  • USA Vacation - 8th graders take a virtual trip east of the Mississippi.  They visit historical sites, amusement parks, create an itinerary, maps etc
  • Stock Market Game - Some of the 8th grade classes compete in the stock market game put on by Cal State Hayward. This is a simple webpage that we built for quick access to the necessary resources.
  • Islamic Report - We built this site for a 7th grade teacher who has the students muscle through the research report writing process.(See the 7th grade research report above)
  • President's Report - Another big 8th grade project. This is a resource page for the project.
  • Human Anatomy - 7th grade, full semester unit. Teach bings students in every other week for a new activitiy.

