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Hispanic Serving Institution

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HSI INSPIRE - Analytics

The use of data to make informed decisions is vital to ensuring learning is optimized and the academic needs of all students are equitably and efficiently addressed. The Center for Teaching and Learning will provide faculty and staff professional development to increase the capacity for student success research that improves program and course student learning outcomes, achievement gaps, and removes bottlenecks to degree completion.

The DHSI Project INSPIRE invites the campus community to participate in the following two programs:

The DHSI Analytics Mini Grant Program

The Analytics Mini Grant Program is designed to support individual faculty and staff projects that inform and improve student success utilizing multiple data sources and analytical tools. 3 units of release time or the equivalent in summer salary are awarded based on a competitive application process. Application information may be accessed through the Center for Teaching and Learning.

The DHSI Professional Learning Communities on Analytics

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are peer led groups (8-12) of faculty and professionals that engage in an active, collaborative, and supportive, year–long program with curriculum focused on enabling education professionals to produce, collect, and evaluate evidence of student learning and student success. Application information may be accessed through the Center for Teaching and Learning.