EDS 248:
Human Development and Learning


Class Meeting Handouts

Week 1: Course Syllabus (PDF file), Course Introduction PowerPoint (PDF file), and Research/Discussion Questions Guidelines (PDF file), Health and Developmental Questionnaire Outline (PDF file)
Week 2: Introduction to Human Development (PDF file)
Week 3: Pregnancy, Birth, and Infancy (PDF file) and Major Developmental Milestones (PDF file)
Week 4: Autism (PDF file), Health, Family, Developmental, & Behavioral Interview Form (PDF file)
Week 5: Early and Middle Childhood (PDF file) and Social Play Milestones (PDF file)
Week 6: AD/HD and Intellectual Disabilities (PDF file)
Week 7: Adolescence (PDF file), Health, Family, Developmental, & Behavioral Interview Form (PDF file)
Week 8: Creating a Poster Presentation (CSUS Webpage with links) and Suggested Outline for Developmental Questionnaire (Word doc)
Week 9: Introduction to Human Learning and Behavioral Learning Theory, and Classical Conditioning (PDF file),
Week 10: Operant Conditioning (PDF file), Supplemental Handout (PDF file)
Week 11: Operant Conditioning: Functional Behaivoral Assessment (PDF file)
Week 12: Social Cognitive Learning Theory(PDF file), Modeling and Academic Instruction Worksheet (PDF file), Reciprocal Causation Worksheet (PDF file), Self-Efficacy Worksheet (PDF file)
Week 13: Cognitive Learning Theory (PDF file), Human Information Processing Model Summary (PDF file)
Week 14: Long Term Memory (PDF file), Metacognition Worksheet (PDF file), Transfer Activity Worksheet (PDF file)
Week 15: Motivation and Affect (PDF file)

Other Helpful Resources

Sample Development and Health Hisotry Interview Forms
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnostic Evaluation: Health, Family, Developmental, & Behavioral History Interview Form (PDF file)
Dyslexia Diagnostic Evaluation: Health, Family, Developmental, & Behavioral History Interview Form (PDF file)
Autism Diagnostic Evaluation: Health, Family, Developmental, & Behavioral History Interview Form (PDF file)