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Registration opens for Feb. 14 Antiracism and Inclusive Convocation

The Convocation runs from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 14.

Registration is open for "A CALL TO ACTION: Eradicate, Resolve, and Liberate," the University's Antiracism and Inclusive Convocation, scheduled as a virtual event for Feb. 14.

The event, scheduled from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., is open to all members of the campus community as well as to the public at large, and it is designed to showcase content valuable to all segment's of the community, organizers said. There is no cost to attend.

Faculty are urged to cancel classes during the convocation. However, students whose classes remain in session will not be penalized for participating in the event.

In addition to several general sessions, including Opening Ceremonies and a Joint Welcome, the convocation will feature selected experts who will speak on a variety of topics within the event framework, panels, performances, and breakout sessions.

Keynote speak will be author and educator Dr. Bettina Love, the Athletic Association endowed professor at University of Georgia. Her writing, teaching and advocacy "meet at the intersection of education reform, anti-racism, carceral studies, abolition, and Black joy," according to biographical information on her website.

University leaders including President Robert S. Nelsen and Mia Settles-Tidwell, vice president for Inclusive Excellence, will be among speakers from throughout the University.

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