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University Committee Descriptions

Please use this link for a description of University Committee assignments and eligibility. Committee Descriptions

ARTP Committees

Arts & Letters RTP Committees:

  • Primary (Department Committees)
  • Secondary Committees

For RTP service information please contact your Department Chair or Associate Dean Melinda Wilson Ramey.

New Faculty Hiring (Appointment) Committees are selected in each department. For service information please contact your Department Chair.

A&L Academic Technologies Committee

The Academic Information Technology Committee develops the Academic Information Technology Strategies, recommends Academic Information Technology policy to the Faculty Senate, and serves as a consultative body regarding academically-related technology issues. For information regarding agendas/minutes contact the committee chair.

Meeting Information: 1st & 3rd Fridays, Noon - 1:30PM

Committee Chair: Sarah Reed, Interim Chair of the Division of Social Work

Committee Nominee Information: The call for nominations will take place on August 21 via Qualltrics Survey. Any faculty from the College may serve on this committee.

Term of Service: Three Academic Years, Fall 2024 - Spring 2027

Workload Outside of Regular Meetings: Sharing information with and gathering feedback from faculty in the college that the committee member represents.

Arts & Letters Scholarships Committee

The Arts & Letters Scholarships Committee meet during the Spring semester to review applications and select student nominees for the following scholarships:

  • The David and Sheree Meyer College of Arts & Letters Scholarship
  • The John Poon and Maria A.L. Jocson Scholarship

The Scholarships Committee is comprised of three College faculty members, serving two-year terms (Fall 2022-Spring 2024). Meeting dates and time to be determined by the committee. Both scholarships will be awarded at the end of each Spring semester.

Committee Roster (AY 2023-24)

Name Dept. Elected Term Ends (Spring)
Carlos Flores Communication Studies Spring 2022 2025
Serpil Atamaz-Topcu History Spring 2022 2025
Stephen Jones Theatre & Dance Spring 2022 2025

College Curriculum Committee

The College of Arts & Letters Curriculum Committee meets regularly throughout the Academic Year on the first and third Wednesday of every month during the Fall and Spring Semesters from 11AM-Noon. Each member is selected in a college-wide election to a 3-year term.

Curriculum Committee Charge - updated Sept. 16, 2020

Fall 2024 Committee Deadlines - updated June, 2024

Curriculum Resources

Committee Roster (AY 2023-24)

Name Dept. Status Term Ends (Spring)
Jacqueline Irwin* Communication Studies Member 2025
Michelle Felten Theatre & Dance Member 2026
Brett Williams English Member 2026
Scott Perkins Music Member 2026
Rebekkah Mulholland History Member 2025
Emily Potts Design Member 2026
Amelia Qin Humanities & Religious Studies Member 2026
Melinda Wilson Ramey A&L Dean's Office Committe Advisor & Assoc. Dean  
*Committee Chair      

Outstanding Faculty Award Committee

The Faculty Senate announces the 2021-22 Call for the Outstanding Teaching, Scholarly & Creative Activity, University Service, and Community Service Awards. Members of the campus community are encouraged to nominate faculty for these Awards. The Award Ceremony will be held on March 10, 2022 from 3:00 – 5:00 pm.

2023-24 Outstanding Faculty Awards Guidelines (to be announced)

Committee Roster (AY 2021-22)

Name Dept. Status Term Ends (Spring)
Mary Doyno Humnanities & Religious Studies Member 2025
Samuel Dunn English Member 2025
Shuying Li Music Member 2026
Lauren Kelly Design Member 2025
Andrea Terry Communication Studies Member 2026

Festival of the Arts

Festival of the Arts (FOTA) was initiated in 1992 and is held each April, offering six days of performances, exhibits, lectures, and master classes. Signature FOTA events include U-Create! and Family Sunday Funday. A representative from each of the College's 10 departments is to be determined by the Chair or Director, and also includes the Library Gallery Specialist. General responsibilities of FOTA representatives include:

  • Attendance at monthly meetings every 2-3 weeks from January though April.
  • Lead planning for department’s event(s), which includes but is not limited to budget, room scheduling, etc.
  • Serve as liaison between planning committee and department faculty, staff, and students.
  • Assist with promotions

Dept  Representative
Art Ventis, Summer G
Communication Studies Ojeda-Beck, Rodrigo
Design Kelly, Lauren
English Williams, Samuel B
History Wilson, Jeffrey K
History Atamaz-Topcu, Serpil
Humanities & Religious Studies Stark, Harvey
Music Apple, Cathie
Philosophy Merriam, Garret A
Theatre & Dance Flickinger, Philip
World Languages & Literature Masuyama, Kazue


U-Nite! is a signature event with collaboration between the College of Arts & Letters and the Crocker Art Museum. The U-Nite! planning committee includes 4-5 faculty representatives from College departments, and responsibilities include

  • Meet every 3-4 weeks from the start of the Fall semester to the beginning of November.
  • Review proposals
  • Schedule events

Arts & Letters College faculty interested in service on this committee must email the Dean's Office at