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Division of Inclusive Excellence Moving the Needle

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Moving the Needle

a meter  of equity on a green background with measurement markings that read: very poor in red, poor in orange, average in yellow, good in light green, and excellent in dark green. The needle on the meter sets on excellent.

Welcome to Moving the Needle, where we showcase and elevate new and continuing efforts being made in the Hornet Community to move the needle closer towards equity and justice, helping us make Sac State a place where everyone feels that they belong!



We are in year three of our campus' five-year Antiracism & Inclusive Campus Action Plan. We continue to move ahead on our mission to become antiracism, inclusive, and antioppression. We know that it takes a collective effort to cultivate change and chart a path toward becoming more inclusive at Sac State. On March 25, 2024, we paused to acknowledge our areas of growth and elevate the ways that our campus is actively working to BECOME more inclusive at the Promote Sac State Becoming Showcase.

people participating in the at the table activism activityThe showcase was a unique, interactive experience that highlighted and promoted services, programs, research, campus projects, and initiatives aimed at increasing antiracism, anti-oppression, and inclusivity in our campus community. Together we solved diversity dilemmas, learned from express presentations, and gained hands-on experience from some of our most dynamic campus services, organizations, and departments.

Caught in the Act Honorees on stage at the Becoming ShowcaseA wonderful time was had as we came together to celebrate the work that has already been done to make our campus community more just and equitable for everyone.

IE in the News!

Check out news coverage of the Promote Sac State Becoming Showcase!


CBS 13