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Move Out Housing

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Move-Out Details

Quiet Hours

Extended Quiet Hours

  • At 7 pm on Sunday, December 1st – December 7th for Fall semester and Sunday, May 4th – May 10th for Spring semester, our extended quiet hours policy is active. Quiet hours will be from 7 pm until 9 am each day the week before finals.
  • These extended quiet hours are for the residence halls and all surrounding outside locations within the housing complex (including the pool, basketball court, tennis court, quads, etc.)

24-Hour Quiet Hours

  • All halls observe 24-hour quiet hours during Finals Week. This is in effect from Sunday, December 18th through closing for Fall semester and Sunday, May 11th through closing for Spring semester.
  • During the 24-hour quiet hours period, the purpose of the courtesy hours is to encourage community members to still be respectful of the needs of others if you need to take a break from your studies. It is important for community members to appropriately confront noise during this time.
  • 24-hour quiet hours are for the residence halls and all surrounding outside locations within the housing complex (including the pool, basketball court, tennis court, quads, etc.)

If you have questions, see your Resident Advisor, your Front Desk staff, or your Residence Hall Coordinator.


Families and friends assisting residence hall students with move-out will have access to a 3-hour courtesy permit link. Courtesy permits will provide temp access to parking in Residence Hall Lot 2, Parking Structure 5-Residential Hall Levels Only, and Lot 11.

University Housing Services will send the permit link to all residents via email. Resident students must provide instructions to their family and/or friends who will be assisting them at move-out. The digital permit must be activated only once the vehicle arrives to campus for move-out.

All vehicle drivers are reminded to park and load only in designated parking spaces or loading zones only. Parking officers will be out enforcing parking guidelines therefore vehicles found parked in a red zone, an ADA space without tag, parked on the grass etc. will be subject to ticketing.

E-Waste, Trash, and Recycling


Items such as old computers, tablets, cell phones, and televisions should be disposed of properly in e-waste receptacles located either in the lobby of your building or at your front desk.

Trash & Recycling

  • American River Courtyard and Riverview residents are to take their trash and recycling to the dumpsters outside of their residence hall building. Trash chutes will be locked.
  • Please DO NOT discard any trash in common areas or common area receptacles such as hallways, bathrooms, lounges, kitchens, and laundry rooms. Trash must be taken outside to the designated bins. These spaces are for day-to-day usage only therefore any overflow of trash found within the building may result in removal and cleaning charges to the resident(s) involved.
  • In American River Courtyard and Riverview residents MUST NOT LEAVE any trash in the hallways outside trash chute rooms. Trash chutes will be locked to avoid clogs due to excessive trash disposal during this period.
  • American River Courtyard residents, please take large trash bags and bulky recyclables (i.e. plastic bins) to the dumpsters located in the interior courtyard.

Late Departure Request

North Village residents who are requesting to stay beyond 3 p.m. Friday, December 13, 2024 for Fall semester or Friday, May 16,, 2025 for Spring semester, may apply for late departure. Late departure extensions are limited and are usually only approved for students with extenuating circumstances such as students who are graduating or helping with commencement ceremonies (validated through the commencement office), Guardian Scholars, confirmed summer school residents, housing staff, athletes with late competitions, etc. Unless confirmed for summer housing, late departure requests for Spring closing may only extend until the Sunday following closing, therefore please plan accordingly, if approved.

Residents who are requesting to stay late past 3 pm on Friday, December 13, 2024 or Friday, May 16, 2025, due to extenuating circumstances will need to submit a Late Departure request by Noon on the Friday before closing at HornetHousing Portal.

Your late departure request will be reviewed by your Residence Hall Coordinator, and whether approved or denied, additional information will be emailed to your Sac State account.

If approved for a late departure you are subject to the following guidelines:

  • Based on the number of additional nights you are approved for, a nightly fee will be charged to your University student account.
  • Meal service in The Servery at the Dining Commons will not be available during the late departure period.
  • No overnight guest(s) are allowed.

Residents are responsible for abiding by all terms and conditions of the license agreement as well as the regulations outlined in the residence hall

Fall 2024 Closing

North Village Residence Halls closed for Winter Break

Friday, December 13, 2024 at 3 pm – Friday, January 17, 2025 at 8 am

During this period, you will not have access to enter the North Village residence halls. Please remember to take all of the belongings you will need during this break period, including any valuables or medications.

Residents should plan to leave within 24 hours of their last final but must be out by 3pm on Friday, December 13, 2024.

Residents with 9-month Addendum living in American River Courtyard, Riverview Hall, or Desmond Hall will be able to stay or come-and-go throughout Winter Break.

Do you have a vacant bed space in your room?

All residents with vacant bed spaces in their room should make sure that space is clean and ready in anticipation of a new resident moving in for the Spring semester. The furniture should be empty and clean as well. If the space is not move-in ready for a roommate, you may have to return during Winter Break to clean the room. RHCs and RAs will be checking spaces often for rooms that have a vacant bed space.

Returning for the Spring? Check-Out Process

All residents should inform their RA when they plan to leave for Winter Break. Residents should not move out all of their belongings for Winter Break; you will only take home the items you need for the Winter Break (valuables and medications included). All residents must complete the Winter Break Closing Check-List and then stop by their Front Desk to check out for the Fall semester. Residents will need to sign before leaving; residents will keep their keys throughout Winter Break. Residents will be checked back in for the Spring semester.

Residents are expected to make sure their room is clean and secure prior to leaving for Winter Break:

  • Clean your room, including vacuuming, trash and recycling removal, and washing all dirty dishes.
  • Dispose of any perishable food items in cabinets, drawers, or fridges.
  • Unplug all electrical cords, including your MicroFridge (please defrost first).
    • AMC large refrigerators should NOT be unplugged though.
  • Turn your alarm clocks off.
  • Close and lock all windows and doors; close your blinds and turn off all lights.
  • Elevate all belongings off of the floor (only belongings in plastic bins may remain on the floor) and clear your window sill of items on it or below it.
  • Bring your bike inside to avoid bike theft during the break.

Do you have an Approved Cancellation? Move-Out Process

If you are approved for an end-of-semester cancellation, you would need to move out completely by December 13, 2024 at 3 pm. Residents with approved cancellations cannot stay for the entire Winter Break and would need approval to have a 9-month addendum upon cancellation approval.

All residents with approved end-of-semester, cancellations will need to make a Move-Out Appointment through the HornetHousing Portal. Check your email for details closer to move-out.

After cleaning your room and removing all belongings, residents will go to the Front Desk of their building to check out and return all keys. The RA will complete an Inventory Inspection before you leave. RHCs will do a final room inspection to determine charges based on damages or cleanliness issues.

Remember to check your mailbox and the Hornet Mail Center for any packages. Please change your address on all bills and online sites.

Cancellation Process for End-of-Semester

Are you withdrawing for the Spring, Transferring, Graduating, or leaving at the end of your International Exchange Program?

If the answer is yes to any of those, you will need to fill out an End-of-Semester Cancellation Request found on the HornetHousing Portal under North Village Forms. As long as your reason is supported through University documentation or documentation that you submit for any of these reasons, you will receive instructions for move-out on an Approved Cancellation email. For priority attention and review, please submit by Noon on November 29, 2024.

Cancellation for Another Reason?

If your cancellation reason is not for Graduation, International Exchange Program Ending, Transferring, or Non-Enrollment/Withdrawal from Sac State, you may still submit a cancellation request. Your cancellation will be reviewed and a decision will be sent to you via email. The priority deadline is Noon on November 29, 2024.

Winter Break Closures

Can I stay during Winter Break?

Only residents with signed 9-month Addendums are permitted to stay in their open residence halls (Riverview Hall, AMC, and Desmond Hall). Any resident without a 9-month addendum would not be permitted to stay or enter the residence halls. If a resident wishes to sign a 9-month addendum, they must email by 8 am on December 6, 2024, and they would be asked to sign the addendum on HornetHousing Portal. The resident would then be charged an additional Fall installment, which would be due on December 15, 2024.

Will the Housing Office be open for Winter Break?

University Housing Services will be closed from December 24, 2024 through January 1, 2025. We will be back open on January 2, 2025. Questions during the Winter Break period should be directed to the front desk or the RA on-call in Riverview Hall, American River Courtyard, or Desmond Hall.

Room Entry for Fall Closing

University Housing Services staff will be entering resident rooms checking room screens, smoke detectors, air filters and other routine maintenance issues. Policy infractions will be noted and addressed as needed. Please remember to remove trash or other items that may spoil. For the ensured safety of valuables, we recommend taking them home during the Winter Break as the University does not assume liability for personal belongings.

Spring 2025 Closing

North Village Move-Out Guide

North Village Residence Halls Close on Friday, May 16, 2025, at 3 p.m.

We ask that students make plans to fully check out of their residence hall within 24 hours after their final exam but no later than by 3 p.m. on Friday, May 16.

Checking Out Early?

We recognize that students might want to move out of their North Village residence hall earlier than Finals Week. You are able to complete an official check-out of your room and hall, within the remaining 30 days of the license agreement beginning April 16. You will still be responsible for all housing charges for the entire semester, even if you move out early.

Please review the check-out information and instructions below.

Check-Out Information & Instructions

Please properly prepare your room/suite for moving out and comply with all requirements of the check-out process.

To prepare for check-out please ensure you do the following:

  • Attend your mandatory floor: If you move out prior to your mandatory floor meeting, please consult with your RA or your Front Desk staff about move-out procedures prior to your final preparations for departure.
  • You will find a list of recommended cleaning supplies, extra trash bags, and a limited quantity of basic cleaning supplies will be available at the front desk of your residence hall.
  • Discuss with your roommate(s)/suitemates regarding when each of you will be leaving, and pre-determine cleaning schedules to ensure the room/suite is in the same condition as when you moved in and meets UHS closing expectations and procedures.
  • Make arrangements for transportation and, if needed, connect with family and/or friends to finalize your pick-up and transportation plans.
  • Sign up for a Check-Out Appointment on HornetHousing Portal between May 1 through May 11 to participate in either Option 1: In-person Inspection Checkout or Option 2: Express Checkout All residents are required to sign up for an appointment date/time. Information will be sent out by University Housing Services and followed up by an RA.
  • Once you have officially checked out, UHS RA’s and professional staff will undergo several inspections of your room space and the building. Only UHS professional staff, such as Residence Hall Coordinators and Facilities Managers, shall have the authority to finalize damage/cleaning assessments and determine student charges. If you are assessed any damage/cleaning charges either before or after your departure, your student account will be billed and you will receive an email notification from UHS.
  • If you are currently aware of any repairs needed in your room/suite, caused by wear and tear, or damage, you should submit a work order at the front desk of your building.
  • If you are using your residence hall address in North Village as your current address with the University, we suggest updating your student record two weeks prior to moving out. You can update your address online through your My Sac State account.
    • To ensure your mail reaches your new location we strongly recommend changing your address with vendors, banks, and subscriptions now.

In addition, delete your North Village residence hall address from your online accounts and common vendors such as Amazon, Target, etc. as any packages received after you have moved out cannot be forwarded and Amazon does not accept returns.

  • Pay any outstanding Housing debts at the Bursar's Office in Lassen Hall or visit your student account online.

Before turning in your keys and checking out, please do the following:

  • Remove all personal property from your bedroom and/or suite common spaces. Check all drawers, closets, and cabinets.
    • University Housing Services is not responsible for any items left behind and will not ship or store any personal items that remain.
  • Carefully remove posters, wall hangings, decals, lights, etc. as well as any hanging material (hooks, tape, adhesives, decals, etc.) from walls, doors, closets, and windows.
  • Reset furniture to its original layout.
  • If you have a bicycle, please take it home with you. Any bicycles left over the summer (including those chained and secured outside or in the bike enclosure) will be cut and removed. Unclaimed bikes are discarded.
  • Desmond, Draper, Jenkins, Riverview, Sierra, & Klamath Halls:
    • Clean your room thoroughly and remove all trash.
    • Vacuum your room and under furniture.
    • Using recommended cleaners wipe down all surfaces, window sills, and inside of drawers.
  • If you rented a MicroFridge or have a mini-fridge please follow the instructions outlined below:
    • Remove and discard items.
    • Clean and disinfect the fridge.
    • Place a towel under the front to collect any dripping water.
    • Unplug your fridge for 24 hours before you leave and keep the door open:
      • If you rented a MicroFridge you will leave the fridge in your room and MicroFridge will retrieve it after the halls close.
    • If you own a mini-fridge, you must take the unit with you upon departure. Do not discard in trash rooms or parking lots.
    • American River Courtyard (All suitemates are responsible for the common space cleaning and/or charges):
      • Clean your bedroom and common area spaces thoroughly and remove all trash.
      • Empty fridge and cabinets and discard all food you will not be taking.
      • Sweep, mop, and vacuum floors in your bedroom and suite; including under furniture and couch/chair cushions.
      • Wipe down all surfaces, window sills, inside drawers, and cabinets
      • Using recommended products clean bathrooms and kitchen appliances (Fridge, stove, dishwasher).
    • Discard of all trash to appropriate dumpsters located outside your hall. Do not leave trash/personal items in the hallway, laundry rooms, lounges, or trash
    • Close and lock your windows and close the blinds.
    • Do a final walkthrough and ensure that you have removed all property from your assigned bedroom (look inside draws), common areas, and suite bathrooms. Items left behind will be considered abandoned and discarded. We do not provide storage or mail personal items that remain.
    • Close and lock your bedroom and/or suite door.
    • Remove any lanyards/keychains that your keys may be adhered to before returning them.
Student with his mother moving out of the dorms

I Am Ready To Leave, What Do I Do?

Once you have prepared your space for check-out, you will follow the checkout procedures for the type of appointment option you selected (Option 1 - In-person or Option 2 - Express).

I selected Option 1: In-person Inspection Checkout Appointment, what do I do?

This option is for residents who would like to be present during the preliminary room inspection at the time of their check-out appointment.

In-person inspection checkout appointments may only be requested for resident departures occurring within the dates and timeframes below:

  • May 5 - May 15 | 9 am - 10 pm
  • May 16 | 9 am - 3 pm

When it is your appointment date/time, remain in your room and a staff person will arrive to conduct your inspection. If, for any reason, no one has arrived within 5 minutes after your scheduled appointment, call down to the front desk of your residential hall and inform the staff that you are ready for your In-Person Inspection Checkout Appointment and are waiting for assistance. A team member will arrive to your room/suite and conduct an inspection. Upon the completion of the preliminary inspection, you will be escorted to the front desk where you will turn in all of your keys. The charge for unreturned keys is $30 each.

I selected Option 2: Express Checkout appointment, what do I do?

This option is for residents who want to schedule a departure after hours. During the express checkout process, residents will skip the in-person inspection process and simply turn in their key. Residents who participate in Express Checkout process waive their right to appeal any damage or cleaning charges that result from the post-checkout room inspection conducted by University Housing Services staff.

Express check-out appointments are the only option available for resident departures occurring outside of the in-person inspection timeframes outlined below (late evening & early morning):

  • May 5 - May 15 | 10 pm - 9 am
  • May 16 | 12 am - 9 am
  • AMC Only - May 16 | 9 am - 3 pm

Express Check-Out: Visit your Front Desk to be checked out.

  • Your keys must be returned to the front desk at the time of your check-out. If the desk is closed place keys into the secure key box located near the front desk. The charge for unreturned keys is $30
  • Resident Advisors (RAs) will conduct a preliminary inspection of your room/suite after your departure and you are waiving your right to be present during a check-out inspection

Please note: Late departures who have been approved to check-out after 3 p.m. Friday, May 16 will be contacted by their hall staff to receive instructions on setting up either an in-person or express check-out for their approved late departure day and time.

Summer Housing Transition

North Village residents who have a confirmed housing assignment for Summer Session #1 or Summer “All” can sign-up for summer housing transition. Residents who sign-up will remain in their current room assignment until their official summer transition move-over date. Students MUST be available to move locations during transitional moving dates as stated (students should not plan a vacation during these dates if they sign-up to participate in Summer Housing Transition). Summer transitional move over will occur between May 19 - May 21, as spaces are cleaned and available for students to move. Students unprepared to participate in the transitional move during the dates outlined may be subject to additional fees related to delays in building closures and cleaning schedules.

Students with a confirmed housing assignment for Summer Session #2, will check out at the end of the spring term agreement and may not leave or store personal belongings on the premises beyond 3 pm Friday, May 16, the official closing of the residence halls.

Damage and Cleaning Charges

Rooms/suites are checked by housing staff in the following order:

  • An RA will complete the initial room The RA does not apply charges, nor do they make any decisions about charges. The RA only notes the condition of your room/suite.
  • An RHC/ARHC will complete the second room assessment. Residence Hall Coordinators (RHCs) and Housing Facilities will assess and document final damage and cleanliness charges based upon their examination of condition of the room/suite at the time of the final inspection.

Note: Damage and cleaning charges may be assessed to your student account for problems with the condition of the room/suite determined by the RHC during their inspection of the room. For AMC residents, all suitemates will share the responsibility for any concerns with the condition of the suite common areas and those damages will be assessed equally amongst all suitemates, unless someone states in writing by the appeal deadline that they are solely responsible. We encourage all students to take photos and video of the space prior to departure for your own records.

Questions Regarding Damage Charges

All damage charges will be posted to your University account within in one month of your move-out date, and must be paid promptly. Please remember that any past due charges will result in a University hold on your records. This hold will affect the release of your grades and your summer and/or fall registration, etc.

  • If necessary, you may email the University Housing Services if a charge is posted to your account to request a copy of your inspection showing the damage
  • Questions or appeals regarding room charges must be made via email only to
  • Deadline: Appeals for charges must be emailed by the deadline noted in your charge notification.