Geology 103

Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

Course material and Assignments

California State University, Sacramento


This page contains links to the major parts of the course, including objectives, detailed course notes, homework assignments, homework solutions and sample test questions. Click on the appropriate section to view your assignments.  Time to get busy!

Course requirements, syllabus and schedule

Week 1

Lecture:  Course introduction, weathering

Lecture:  Sedimentary textures, fabric, maturity

Lab:  Sieve analysis, sediment texture

Week 2

Lecture:  Classification of siliclastic sedimentary rocks

Lecture:  Fundamentals of fluid flow, laminar vs. turbulent flow, Reynolds and Froude numbers

Lab:  Sand composition

Week 3

Lecture: Density and viscosity, particle transport, Hjulstrom curve

Lecture:  Bedform progression, beds and bedding (primary sedimentary structures)

Lab:  Sand provenance

Week 4

Lecture:  Sedimentary structures

Lecture:  Sedimentary structures (continued)

Lab:  Clastic sedimentary structures

Week 5

Lecture:  Classification of siliclastic sedimentary rocks, Folk and Gilbert's classification systems


Exam #1: Wednesday, February 22nd


Lab:  Petrology of silicilastic rocks: shale, siltstone, sandstone, conglomerate

Week 6

Lecture:  Mass movements, sediment gravity flows

Lecture:  Deep marine sedimentation, deep sea fans

Lab: Sandstone petrology: practice with Folk and Gilbert's systems


Day trip: Measuring stratigraphic sections, deep sea fans in the field

Monday lab period:  field trip on Saturday March 4th

Wednesday lab period:  field trip on Sunday March 5th

Week 7

Lecture:  Alluvial fans

Lecture:  Braided streams

Lab:  Sandstone petrography I: sandstones in thin section


Week 8

Lecture:  Meandering, anastomosing streams

Lecture:  Evaporite minerals, evaporite deposits

Lab:  Sandstone petrography II: sandstones in thin section

Spring break: March 18th-26th

Week 9

Lecture:  Chert, ironstone, phosphate, glauconite

Lecture:  Coal and carbonaceous rocks

Lab:  Petrography of chert, ironstone, phosphates, coal, carbonaceous rocks

Week 10

Monday schedule:  Monday lab visits their group project research area

Wednesday schedule:  Wednesday lab visits their group project research area

Week 11

Monday schedule:  Monday lab visits a different field site, Wednesday lab group works on stratigraphy poster

Wednesday schedule:  Wednesday lab visits a different field site, Monday lab group works on stratigraphy poster

Week 12

Lecture:  Deltaic systems

Lecture:  Eolian systems

Lab:  Group project presentations

Week 13

Lecture:  Beach deposits and environments


Exam #2: Wednesday, April 26th


Lab:  No lab this week, compensation for weekend field trip


Weekend field trip: Sedimentary environments and coastal processes (Friday April 28th through Sunday April 30th)

Week 14

Lecture:  Carbonate classification and components (Folk and Dunham)

Lecture:  Carbonate mineralogy and stability

Lab:  Carbonate petrology: limestones, dolostones, porosity, Folk and Dunham's classification systems

Week 15


Lecture:  Carbonate shelf systems, modern reefs

Lecture:  Modern reef facies, reefs through time

Lab:  Carbonate petrography: micrite, spar, allochems

Comprehensive Final Exam: Monday, May 15th, 12:45-2:45





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