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Internships & Career Services College of Engineering & Computer Science

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Site Agreements

About Site Agreements

Many Sac State students work in their field of study (internships and co-ops) while working on their degree, and some of them are enrolled in work experience units or in a co-op. The California State University Chancellor has mandated that all agencies and companies employing students who are receiving units (credit) for their position, must have a site agreement on file with the CSU.

College of Engineering & Computer Science student positions are considered Academic Internships.

Setting up the site agreement is not difficult and several other state agencies have one in place. It starts with the completion of the questions below, including the company address and site supervisor, along with some information about the site itself e.g. is the student working at a desk, in a manufacturing site, etc.

You need to allow at least 5 – 7 weeks, or more, for this process so please start early and contact the ECS Co-op Office at for assistance.

University Deadlines for requesting In-SL Agreements

  • March 1st for Summer courses.
  • May 1st for Fall courses
  • November 1st for Spring courses.

The process of a new IN/SL Agreement involves multiple offices on campus as well as off campus. While we are committed to processing requests as quickly as possible, we are unable to guarantee that an Agreement will be executed by a particular date. Requests are processed in the order in which they are received. We strongly suggest getting your requests in as soon as possible to your department, and not waiting to submit just prior to the deadline.

Please note Site Agreement requests will not be accepted after Census Date.

Once completed, send the information to

Existing Site Agreements

The Community Engagement Center has the full and authoritative list of existing site agreements.

Establishing a New Site Agreement

The information and steps needed to start the process are as follows:

  1. Name, title, phone number and email address of a supervisor, or someone in HR that can sign off on the contract – or at least track it as it goes through the agency.
  2. Physical address of business. We realize many people are working remotely; however, we need the physical address on file. Also, is the student working on site or remotely? Please describe the level of supervision during work hours.
  3. A brief description of responsibilities or what the student would be learning.
  4. Approximately how many interns do you hire in a semester?
  5. Who will do the selecting and how is it done? Names are not necessarily needed; a hiring committee made up of HR and department supervisors, or something similar, is sufficient.
  6. What skills or knowledge would the students need to possess in order to apply for the position?
  7. If possible, a tour of the site; however, a brief description of the normal (pre virus) work environment will suffice.
  8. Submit all the information to

Please review the Site Agreement Requirements Policy as well as the Sample Site Agreement.

Site Agreement Requirements Policy

Sample Site Agreement

Next Steps

  1. Once completed, the information is sent to our Community Engagement Center.
  2. They will follow up with the procurement office, who will send you a contract.
  3. Once you or your legal department have reviewed the document and noted any required changes, we can get a final copy to you for signature. The contract is good for five years.

Official forms to establish Academic Internship and Service-Learning Site Agreement can be found on the University Procurements and Contract Services Office website.

Student Learning Agreement – Academic Internship

Students and their faculty advisors or department chairs should complete the Student Learning Agreement Form to request 195/295 credit.


For any questions, please contact

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ECS Internship and Career Services