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Policies & Procedures Living On-Campus North Village

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North Village Policies & Procedures

Each resident has the right and ability to make decisions about his or her own conduct. Just as importantly, each resident has the responsibility to accept the consequences of those decisions. When an individual’s behavior conflicts with the values of University Housing Services, he or she must adapt his or her behavior to meet the needs of the community, or leave the residence halls.

Carefully considering that particular choice—the conscious choice whether to be a part of a community, whether to change his or her behavior to fit the community’s standards—helps each person define who he or she is in the community and in society at large. It can be a formative choice for you with far-reaching implications and should not be taken lightly.

Abandoned Items

After a resident has moved out of the hall, apartment or suite, an item is considered abandoned if it is left behind. Abandoned property will be inventoried, packed and stored by University Housing Services staff. Residents will have up to 30 days to claim their belongings (after notifying University Housing Services staff in writing) after having officially checked out. After 30 days, staff will dispose of abandoned items pursuant to California Civil Code. University Housing Services staff members are not responsible for abandoned items. The resident may be charged for packing and handling based on labor charges.

Alcohol Policies

Students under 21 are prohibited from transporting, possessing, or consuming alcoholic beverages in the residence halls. Students under the age of 21 in the presence of alcohol will be found in violation of the alcohol policy, unless it is in the presence of a roommate or suitemate that is of legal drinking age and the student under 21 is not drinking.

Students age 21 and over can consume alcohol in their room/suite with the door closed so long as they are not in the presence of anyone under 21 years of age, unless it is a roommate or suitemate that is not consuming alcohol.

The following rules apply for possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages:

  • A student over 21 is prohibited to host and serve alcohol to a person under 21 years of age. It is a violation of state law to furnish alcoholic beverages to anyone under the age of 21.
  • Alcohol cannot be consumed as part of a large group or party where the main purpose appears to be drinking alcohol.
  • Transport of alcoholic beverages by persons over 21 to and from their room is permitted only under the following restrictions: alcoholic beverages must be in the original containers, remain sealed by the manufacturer and in an opaque container such as a paper bag.
  • Kegs, pony kegs, multiple cases of alcohol, and other bulk quantities of alcohol beverages that are excessive under the circumstances for personal use are prohibited.
  • Drinking games or simulated drinking games are prohibited. This includes beer pong, water pong (or another beverage), flip cups, quarters, and other variants. Items used for drinking games or other activities that encourage the excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol are not allowed (beer pong tables, beer bongs, funnels, etc.)
  • The manufacture of any type of alcoholic beverages by any method is prohibited.
  • The sale of alcoholic beverages in the residence halls is prohibited.
  • Public intoxication is prohibited.
  • Inability to care for oneself while under the influence is a violation of the alcohol policy.
  • Possession/use of alcohol in any public area in or around the residence halls or any public area of the University is prohibited.
  • Alcohol (opened or unopened) found in connection with residence hall policy violations will be disposed of.
  • Collection or display of alcohol containers is not permitted in student rooms, suites, or apartments.
  • Any damage occurring as a result of alcohol use (including that due to vomit) will be the responsibility of the resident.
  • At the time of the incident, the individuals responsible are expected to clean up any mess. If they are incapacitated or otherwise unable to do so, residents will be billed for the cost of custodial cleanup.

Sanctions for Alcohol Violations

1st offense:

  • Written Warning
  • 1:1 CHOICES meeting and online assessment
  • Potential Educational Sanction

2nd offense:

  • Housing Probation
  • Alcohol Assessment 1:1 with CAPS
  • Potential Educational Sanction

3rd offense:

  • Housing Probation extended
  • Alcohol Assessment 1:1 with CAPS
  • Potential Educational Sanction
  • Possible relocation and considered persona non grata (PNG) in the hall(s) the resident was removed from (unwelcome and not allowed to be present) OR
  • Possible removal from housing and considered PNG in all residence halls (unwelcome and not allowed to be present)

4th offense:

  • Referral to the Senior Area Coordinator of Residence Hall Conduct for conduct meeting
  • Removal from Housing and considered persona non grata (PNG) in all residence halls (unwelcome and not allowed to be present)
  • Alcohol/Drug Assessment 1:1 with CAPS

Minimum Disciplinary Sanctions for Alcohol Violations

Sanctions for all alcohol violations may include Parental/Guardian Notification. Depending on the severity of the violation, sanctioning levels and guidelines can be more aggressive. Educational sanctions are at the discretion of the hearing officer. Those being removed from housing will continue to be held to the terms and conditions of their housing contract.

Amplified Sound

Any outside sound which interferes with others' right to study or sleep is prohibited. Outside music/noise must be kept to levels that do not interfere with these rights. Directing or playing stereo speakers outside a residence hall window is prohibited. Heavy bass from subwoofers is disruptive to the community and therefore is prohibited.


Bicycles may not be operated in the residence halls or in any of the public areas of the halls at any time. Bicycles may not be chained to trees, railings, and light poles, left in lounges or public areas, or stored anywhere that would hamper the exit of residents during an emergency. Housing staff will remove any bicycles found in the aforementioned areas, including removal of any locking devices, at the owner’s expense. Bicycles are subject to the same driving laws as motor vehicles and Sacramento State Police Department may issue citations for improper and unsafe riding.

University Housing Services will consider bicycles left in the housing area abandoned after 30 days past the end of the spring semester. Bicycles will be inventoried by a University Housing Services staff member, any chain or locking mechanism will be removed, and then residents will have up to 30 days to claim their bicycles. (See “Abandoned Items”)

Business Enterprises

Residents may not carry on any organized business for remunerative purposes from their room.


Cameras with recording devices are located throughout the buildings. Tampering with, removal of, or misuse of any part of the camera system is prohibited.

Candles and Incense

Candles, wick lamps, incense, or any decorations with potential open flames (whether lit or unlit) are prohibited in residence hall rooms and common areas. Candle warmers, oil burners, etc. are also prohibited in the residence halls. Candles without wicks can only be used for decoration.


Chalking is prohibited on the housing complex grounds and on all buildings. Chalking that meets the campus chalking policy is allowed ONLY on the mini esplanade/sidewalk leading to and from the residence halls. See your hall staff with questions.

Cleanliness for Rooms, Suite and Common Areas

All residents are responsible for the cleanliness of their individual bedrooms. American River Courtyard residents, and residents of Desmond Deluxe Doubles/Triples are collectively responsible for the cleanliness of their common area and bathrooms as applicable depending on room type. Failure to maintain cleanliness may result in the assessment of a cleaning fee. In the case of an insect or rodent infestation due to resident neglect, resident(s) may be charged for pest control services (see “Pests,” and “Health and Safety Inspections”).

Computer Labs

Computer labs are provided in each residence hall. The labs are intended for the sole use of students who reside in the housing complex. Removal of lab furniture, or disconnecting, tampering, or misuse of the computer lab or equipment is prohibited.

Cruelty to Animals

Under California Penal Code §§ 286.5; 596 - 600.5, cruelty to animals in any form is an offense punishable by imprisonment, fine, or both. Cruelty directed toward animals if witnessed should be immediately reported to a Residence Life staff member or Sacramento State Police Department at 278-6000.


Any damage to rooms or personal property caused by a resident or their guest(s) is the responsibility of the resident. This includes damage made by room modifications. If the damage cannot be directed to a specific resident, the damage expenses will be prorated among the residents of the room or suite/apartment and may be prorated to the floor/wing/building. University Housing Services staff recommend that residents purchase renters insurance to protect personal items if they are not covered by family insurance. The University is not responsible for personal property that is lost, stolen, or damaged in the housing complex.

Dart Boards

Hard-tip darts and dart boards are not allowed in residence halls because of the potential for bodily harm and physical damage to rooms.

Decorations Policy

Residents must adhere to the following decorating guidelines at all times, for both their own rooms and common areas:

  • Utilize 3M command adhesive brand products, at your own risk, when hanging any items (such products are removable and may not damage walls). Please follow instructions when using these products.
  • Do not add attachments of any type to residence hall light fixtures, including paint, tissue paper, crepe paper, tinfoil, or any other material.
  • Do not suspend, attach, or drape any materials from the ceiling, whether flammable or nonflammable.
  • Do not hinder the use of, or restrict access to, hallways, doorways, stairs, corridors, or fire-related equipment when placing any form of decorations.
  • Do not draw, paint, write, or otherwise mark on any residence hall wall.
  • Do not hang any form of decoration on the outside of suite and room doors. Only RAs may hang door decorations (name tags) on residents’ doors to assist in community building.
  • “Gift wrapping” doors (suite and room doors) is strictly prohibited.

Residents seeking temporary exemptions to this policy (birthday, anniversary, special occasions, community building, etc.) may request temporary exemption from their Residence Life Coordinator.

Decorations - Seasonal, Holiday, Religious

Christmas Trees. Only ARTIFICIAL holiday trees are approved for residence hall use. The use of electric decorative holiday lights is restricted to “miniature Italian lights” that are either “U.L” (Underwriter’s Laboratory) or “F.M.” (Factual Mutual) approved.

Candles: Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Christmas, etc. Candles are not permitted in residence halls due to fire hazard (see “Candles/Incense”). Residents may observe the traditions associated with these celebrations by using electric candles, or by making arrangements with their Residence Life Coordinator to use candles in a designated location, at an approved time, as part of an appropriate holiday observance.

Other Holidays and/or religious ceremonies. Residents are encouraged to observe holidays that are meaningful to them provided the associated practices or ceremonies do not violate established policies or create a safety concern for other residents and property.

Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation

University Housing Services (UHS) recognizes the negative impact discrimination, harassment, or retaliation described in Executive Order 1097 has on an individual or the residential community. More information in Office of Human Resources. Once notified of an alleged violation of this policy UHS will immediately refer the incident to the Office of Equal Opportunity for further investigation. Interim measures may be handed down including removal from housing while the incident is being investigated. Executive Order 1097 defines Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation as the following:

  • Discrimination means Adverse Action taken against a Student by the CSU, a CSU employee, or another Student because of a Protected Status. Adverse Action means an action that has a substantial and material adverse effect on the Complainant's ability to participate in a University program or activity free from Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation. Minor or trivial actions or conduct not reasonably likely to do more than anger or upset a Complainant does not constitute an Adverse Action.
  • Harassment means unwelcome conduct, based on the Complainant’s Protected Status, that is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that its effect, whether or not intended, could be considered by a reasonable person in the shoes of the Complainant, and is in fact considered by the Complainant, as limiting her/his ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or opportunities offered by the University.

Retaliation means Adverse Action taken against a Student because the Student has or is believed to have:

  1. Exercised rights under this Executive Order;
  2. Reported or opposed conduct which was reasonable and in good faith believed to be in violation of this Executive Order;
  3. Assisted or participated in a policy-related investigation/proceeding regardless of whether the Complaint was substantiated; or,
  4. Assisted someone in reporting or opposing a violation of this Executive Order, or assisted someone in reporting or opposing Retaliation under this Executive Order.

Retaliation may occur whether or not there is a power or authority differential between the individuals involved.

Violating Executive Order 1097 can have implications relating to enrollment at the University as well as violating the terms of the University Housing Services license agreement.

Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia

Except as lawfully prescribed, drugs are prohibited. Medical marijuana cards are not recognized in the residence halls or in the housing complex. The following are prohibited in the residence halls, on University property and at University sponsored events:

  • Use, possession and/or distribution of drugs or controlled substances
  • Use of marijuana in any form
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia
  • Drug paraphernalia includes any item fashioned for the purpose of facilitating drug use (pipes, bongs, etc.)
  • Possession or use of items that conceal or disguise drug use

Furthermore, University Housing Services staff may investigate for a possible drug policy violation based on reasonable evidence. Evidence of drug use can include, but is not limited to, smell, smoke, seeds, residue, presence of odor, fans, towels near or under doors, open windows, attempts to mask scents, residue, bongs, pipes, clips, plant cultivation, etc.

Drug Violation Sanctions (possession/use)

1st offense:

  • Housing Probation
  • Weed it Out Class (marijuana related violations)
  • Potential Educational Sanction

2nd offense:

  • Housing Probation extended
  • 1:1 Drug Assessment with CAPS
  • Potential Educational Sanction
  • Possible relocation and considered persona non grata (PNG) in the hall(s) the resident was removed from (unwelcome and not allowed to be present) OR
  • Possible removal from housing and considered PNG in all residence halls (unwelcome and not allowed to be present)

3rd offense:

  • Referral to the Senior Area Coordinator of Residence Hall Conduct
  • Removal from Housing and considered persona non grata (PNG) in all residence halls (unwelcome and not allowed to be present)
  • 1:1 Drug Assessment with CAPS
  • Potential Educational Sanction

Drug Violations (sales, distribution, or covert use on another):

  • Referral to University Student Conduct Officer
  • Removal from Housing and considered persona non grata (PNG) in all residence halls (unwelcome and not allowed to be present)

Minimum Disciplinary Sanctions for Drug violations

Sanctions for all Drug violations may include Parental/Guardian Notification. Depending on the severity of the violation, sanctioning levels and guidelines can be more aggressive. Educational sanctions are at the discretion of the hearing officer. Those being removed from housing will continue to be held to the terms and conditions of their housing contract.

Electrical or Battery-Operated Appliances

Any electrical or battery-operated appliance with an exposed heating element or which gives off intense heat is prohibited. Therefore, UHS appliance guidelines takes into consideration fire-safety when determining whether or not an appliance is acceptable or not acceptable, for use in the residential community. If residents have questions regarding whether an appliance is acceptable or not, he or she should ask hall staff. Before using an acceptable appliance please review the policy thoroughly as many items though permitted in the residence halls, have restrictions as to where they must be located when in use.

The following specific restrictions to appliance use in the residence halls apply:

  • Any and all appliances with an open heating coil(s), heating element(s), or heated open-plate surfaces are prohibited in North Village residence halls. This includes, but are not limited to: hot plates, hot oil fryers, personal space heaters, sun lamps, candle/wax warmers, candle/wax melters, and all other appliances and devices with open heating coils and/or plated heating surfaces.
  • Kitchen only use: Acceptable appliances for use in a kitchen or kitchenette are limited to: “George Foreman” style electric grills, fully enclosed air fryers, toasters, toaster oven/crock pots with automatic shut off feature, rice cookers and air poppers.
  • Student Bedrooms: Acceptable appliances for use in a bedroom are limited to: – Fully enclosed coffee makers (i.e. Keurig, Nespresso etc.), electric kettles with lids, and blenders.
  • Refrigerators are permitted (one per room), provided they do not exceed 4.5 cubic feet or draw more than 1.5 running amps.
  • Microwaves are permitted under 700 watts (only one per room).
  • Non-cooking appliances: Halogen lamps are prohibited in the residence halls. Only compact fluorescent bulbs may be used in residence hall lighting fixtures. Whereas, black lights are prohibited for use in residence hall lighting fixtures.
  • All electrical appliances and devices must be UL Approved

Elevator Safety

Elevators are provided in the American River Courtyard and Riverview Hall. The elevators are intended to offer a safe way to move between floors, however, there are simple rules that will ensure your safety when using an elevator and reduce disruptions of service. Elevator incidents that find residents and/or their guests responsible for the damage, emergency maintenance, or vandalism of an elevator will be subject to the student conduct process and damage cost.

Residents and visitors must adhere to the following guidelines:

  • When there is a fire and/or fire alarm in the building use the stairs. Elevator shafts are sealed during building evacuations.
  • Do not participate in and/or encourage others from unsafe behavior in and around elevators.
  • Do not interfere with closing doors. Wait for the next elevator.
  • Never attempt to pry open elevator doors.
  • Never jump up and down when inside, exiting, or entering the elevator cabin.
  • Report elevator vandalism, accidents, or mechanical issues to the front desk of your building.

Evacuation Drills

Evacuation drills will be held periodically in the residence halls. Whenever an alarm sounds, all residence hall occupants are required to evacuate the building immediately. It is a resident’s responsibility to familiarize him or herself with evacuation routes and protocols. Emergency procedure protocols are posted in each resident’s room. Residents who do not evacuate during a fire drill or alarm will be subject to disciplinary action.

Exterior Doors

As per University policy, the exterior doors to residence halls must be securely closed at all times. Under no circumstances should exterior doors be propped open; doing so poses a large threat to community security. Residents should never admit persons into their building unless they know for certain that they are a resident or member of the University staff.

Failure to Comply

Failing to comply with a reasonable request by a University official, including University Housing Services Staff, is a violation of University policy. This type of violation also includes failure to comply with the sanctions imposed under a student conduct proceeding.

Fire Alarm and Emergency Systems and Equipment

Residents are strictly prohibited from tampering with any equipment related to emergency systems and the fire alarm system (pull stations, extinguishers, hoses, smoke detectors, sprinklers, emergency exit door alarms, exit signs). Tampering with, removal of, covering, or misuse of fire extinguishers, fire alarms, smoke detectors (including the removal of batteries), emergency evacuation instructions, or unauthorized use of any fire equipment, or door, is a violation of Penal Code 148.4, University, and Housing regulations.

Sprinklers associated with residence hall fire safety systems may not be tampered with, including hanging decorations or other objects from them. If a sprinkler is set off accidentally or intentionally, the individual(s) involved will be responsible for all costs associated with clean up and damage and will be subject to disciplinary action.

Penal Code 148.4 makes it a misdemeanor to trigger a false fire alarm, make a false report of a fire, or tamper with/destroy fire equipment. Residents found in violation of this regulation will be subject to disciplinary action and may be issued a Notice to Appear citation by Sac State Police Department. Notice to Appear may require a court appearance and could result in a fine or up to one year in jail.

Firearms, Explosives, and Weapons Policy

At no time are firearms, explosives, or other dangerous weapons permitted on the California State University, Sacramento campus, including such weaponry stored in a vehicle on University property. Prohibited weapons include but are not limited to: firearms (pistols and rifles), BB guns, pellet/pump guns, paint pellet weapons, slingshots, tear gas, “Tasers” (or other electroshock weapons), stun guns, archery equipment, martial arts devices, knives (foldable blades 3 inches or less in length and standard kitchen knives are allowed), swords and explosives. Such weapons are subject to confiscation and will be turned over to the Sacramento State Police Department. It is also, prohibited to utilize other items, implements, or instruments not categorized as weapons, aggressively or for violent purposes. Please note the improper discharge of a chemical agent including but not limited to, pepper spray, mace, fire extinguisher, or other aerosols is prohibited. Any acts of this kind should be reported. Violators of this policy are subject to disciplinary action, including revocation of License Agreement or more severe penalties.

Toy Weapons, Explosives or Firearms

Toy weapons, explosives, or firearms can be mistaken for the real thing by law enforcement and situations involving the use of toy replicas can look like serious threats to the safety of those involved as well as bystanders. In consideration of the welfare of the entire residence hall community, all such realistic toy weapons are strictly prohibited.


Fireworks are not permitted in the residence halls or in the complex at any time. Storing or discharging firecrackers, rockets, cherry bombs, or any other incendiary device in or around the residence hall complex is prohibited. Any resident involved in the use or possession of fireworks is subject to the University conduct process and potential revocation of his or her License Agreement.

Flammable Materials

Highly flammable materials such as hookah coals, chemicals, automobile fluids, gasoline, camping stove fuel and starter fluids are not permitted in the residence halls. In addition, residents must keep their rooms clear of clutter that poses a fire danger such as large quantities of paper, rags, or trash.


All resident rooms and common areas in University Housing facilities are furnished. All University furnishings, including beds, must remain assembled and in their designated room at all times. Residents may not lend or swap furniture with other residents or remove furnishings from the property. Common area furniture and equipment may not be removed from the common space (i.e. lounges, lobbies, conference rooms, study lounges, etc.). All University-owned furniture must remain indoors. Removal of any University furniture outside of the halls will be considered theft. Any unauthorized modifications to room furnishings must be removed within 24 hours of discovery. Waterbeds and other water-filled furniture are prohibited in all residence halls.


Gambling for money is prohibited in the residence halls and at the University. Under California Penal Code Section 330, any percentage game played with cards, dice, or any device, for money or other representative of value, is a misdemeanor.


This visitation policy is designed to ensure the safety and consideration of our residential community members and property. Residents may have guests in their residence hall rooms beginning on the official move-in day of each semester and thereafter. Please refer to the current license agreements for the “official move-in” date for the current term.

Residential students are permitted to host guests, with respect to the rights and privacy of the other person(s) living in the unit and community, taking into consideration and adherence to the following guidelines:

Term Definitions:

  • A Resident is defined as a student officially licensed, as a Licensee with the University, to reside in University managed or affiliated housing. Housing locations that are either university-managed or affiliated are the North Village housing complex, Hornet Commons, and select off-campus properties.
  • A Resident Host is defined as a resident who has invited a guest to their room or building.
  • A Guest is a non-resident or resident personally invited by a “Resident Host” to enter the Resident Host’s Hall/building, living unit, and/or room.
    • Two Types of Guests:
      1. Non-Resident Guest(s): All visitors not leased at the property are non-residents. A Resident Host must always register a non-resident guest using our online visitation through HornetHousing Portal and adhere to guest registration and visitation guidelines, no matter the time of day or overnight.
      2. Resident Guest (s): Any North Village resident visiting (invited AND hosted by) another North Village resident who resides in a different building/residence hall is considered a guest.
        • Resident Guests may participate in the visitation process, as outlined, without visitation registration during non-overnight visiting hours from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
        • Resident Guests visiting from 8 pm to 7:30 am must be registered online by their Resident Host prior to arrival and adhere to guest registration and visitation guidelines accordingly.
  • North Village residents are not permitted to access a residence hall to which they are not assigned unless formally hosted by a resident of that hall, except for rightfully accessing specific community amenities such as the Riverview Hall Game Room, Fitness Room, Cardio Room, Hornet Mail Center, or to meet with a University Staff member. Residentswho are uninvited, not hosted, or unregistered may be subject to the conduct process for violating the visitation policy.

Overnight Guest(s):

Overnight guests are allowed under the following policy guidelines:

  • All roommates/suitemates must be consulted with and agree to permit overnight guests before a guest's arrival. Although guests can be denied permission to stay, roommates/suitemates should consider allowing reasonable accommodations to promote a harmonious living environment.
  • A roommate/suitemate who denies a guest should communicate to their roommate/suitemate why the guest(s) are being denied permission to visit.
  • With the consent of roommate (s), guests can stay a maximum of three (3) consecutive nights and no more than 12 nights in any given semester.
  • All overnight guests must be registered according to the Guest Registration Process (see below).
  • Although residents assigned to the same residence hall cannot be registered as overnight guests, all provisions of the overnight guest policy still apply, such as obtaining roommate/suitemate consent, the maximum number of nights per semester, and the number of consecutive overnights permitted.

Guests Under 18 Years of Age:

Guests under 18 years of age must be siblings or otherwise have a legally recognized relationship with the Resident Host to be a guest. A resident wishing to host a guest under 18 years of age must submit an email/documentation along with a photo of the guest from the parent/guardian of the minor individual at least two business days before the requested visitation is to occur to their Residence Hall Coordinator. The documentation must authorize the minor’s visit, include contact information for the parent/guardian, and authorize University officials to communicate with the parent/guardian on the matter of the minor in question. Failure to satisfy this provision, or if University Housing Services cannot confirm the authorization for the visit, will prohibit a resident from having an overnight guest under 18 years of age. Once the Residence Hall Coordinator approves a request for an underage guest, the Resident Host must complete the online registration process and check in their guest at the front desk upon arrival.

Guest Registration Process:

  • All guest(s)must be registered online in HornetHousing Portal and checked in when your front desk is open.
  • All guests, regardless of their relation to the Resident (parents, siblings, etc.), must comply with this policy.
  • Resident and guest(s) will receive a digital visitor pass in their email. These should be shown to staff if requested.
  • All guests age 18 or older must provide a valid state or federal photo identification card or driver’s license to register. Acceptable forms of identification include a Driver’s License, State ID card, US Military ID Card, Bank ID Card, Passport, US Citizen’s ID-Card, and Green Card - Alien Registration. Student ID cards are not an acceptable form of identification.
  • Guests may only be registered with a Resident Host in the hall/building where the Resident Host resides. The Resident Host must provide identification and be present when the guest goes through the guest check-in process at the front desk.
  • A resident host may not register another resident from the same hall as a guest.
  • No resident may allow guests access to a residential building without following the registration process outlined in the policy.
  • Due to occupancy requirements, a Resident host may not have more than two guests registered at one time; requests for exceptions to this policy must be in writing and addressed to the Residence Hall Coordinator at least two business days in advance.
  • The University reserves the right to refuse entry to any guests or escort out of the residence halls any guests believed to be violating University and/or University Housing Services policies.

Visitation Guidelines:

  • All roommates/suitemates must consent to have guests in the room/suite.
  • Roommate or suitemate agreements always supersede a resident’s right to host guests; issues or concerns should be worked out between roommates/suitemates. Unresolved roommate/guest concerns should be taken to a Residential Education staff member for assistance.
  • It is a privilege, not a right, to be a guest and to have guests in the residence halls.
  • Guests (student and non-student) are expected to act appropriately and follow Student housing and University Policies. Any problems created by a guest are the responsibility of the Resident Host. Resident Hosts are expected to inform their guests of all Housing and University policies and will be held judicially and financially accountable for their guests’ actions.
  • University Housing Services reserves the right to hold any resident judicially and/or financially accountable if their guest(s) engage in misconduct, including but not limited to violating UHS policies, University policies, or engaging in behavior that damages university property.
  • Guests are only permitted to enter a residential building through designated entrances with the escort of their Resident Host. Entrance by any other means is prohibited.
  • All guests must be accompanied by their resident host at all times. Guests should not be left alone or unattended in any location, especially in a resident host room or suite.
  • Guests may not sleep in building lounges or public areas.• Unescorted and unregistered guests found in student housing facilities will be escorted and risk being cited by the University Police Department for criminal trespass.
  • Guests found violating policy or disturbing the residence hall community will be asked to leave the hall/area.
  • A resident host may not loan their room key, access card, or University identification card to another resident or guest for any reason.
  • Residents who do not register and check-in guests will undergo the student conduct process and may lose the right to host guests for the remainder of the semester/year.
  • Uninvited guests are not permitted in the residential buildings. Allowing uninvited guests into these areas violates University Housing Services policies.

Additional guest policy guidelines may apply during certain times of the year when heightened safety and security are necessary to protect the student housing facilities and their Licensees, including construction, maintenance, health-related concerns, or emergencies. University Housing Services reserves the right to suspend or cancel this policy or temporarily alter guidelines that may impact privileges granted under this policy.

Health and Safety Inspections

Housing staff will conduct bedroom, bathroom and common area inspections to ensure the safety and sanitation of each room. Inspections will be announced ahead of time and will occur between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. on the scheduled days. It is not necessary for residents to be present during the inspection. Residents in rooms or common areas designated “unacceptable” after the inspection will have 48 hours to clean the space. Failure to clean the space may result in cleaning charges. If a Code of Conduct or University Housing Services policy violation is found during the inspection, it may result in a conduct referral.

Hover Boards and Other Wheeled Devices

The use, possession, and storage of hover boards are prohibited in the housing complex (all residence halls, Dining Commons, and housing complex grounds).

Motorized devices that use a lithium-ion battery pack may not be stored or charged in any residence hall and/or dining commons. Motorized devices with a lithium-ion battery can be stored in a housing bike compound only. Bike compounds are located outside of Riverview Hall, Jenkins Hall, and Klamath Hall. Access is provided to the compound located closest to your residence hall.

Additionally, the following wheeled devices are prohibited from being used inside the residence halls and Dining Commons: bikes, roller skates, scooters, skateboards, in-line skates and other wheeled devices and equivalent products. Note: Roller skates – in-line skates, skateboards or similar wheeled devices shall not be used on pedestrian ramps, patios, stairs, benches, patio furniture, landings or similar structures not intended for such use.

Illegal Room Entry

Entering a resident’s room without the express permission and presence of the resident who resides in that room is prohibited. Inappropriate room entry includes but is not limited to borrowing another resident’s key to access their room, forcing a door open, or entering a room through a window or bathroom.

Improper Check Out

In the event a resident does not properly check out of their room as requested, residence hall staff will inventory, pack and store the resident’s belongings based on our Abandoned Items policy. Residents who abandon their room or suite will incur charges if there is damage to the premises beyond normal wear and tear. Residents may also be charged for not properly returning room/suite keys or access fobs. If items are left behind, the resident may be charged for abandoned items; please refer to our Abandoned Items policy.

Keys, Fobs, Cards

Keys, Access Key, Cards Upon checking into the halls, each resident is issued keys (includes access key) for their building, suite or room. These keys remain the property of the University. Keys may not be duplicated, modified, or loaned to another person. For security purposes, residential education staff must be notified immediately about lost or stolen keys. Unauthorized use or possession of keys is prohibited. Residents failing to return keys during checkout will be charged for their replacement including a core change if applicable. Residents should be in possession of their keys and Student ID at all times.


Residents should use the laundry facility in their hall only. Laundry facilities are provided for the use of residence hall students only.


Littering in or around the residence halls is prohibited. Littering includes throwing, dumping, or depositing trash or refuse in places other than provided trash containers.

Residents found in violation of the littering policy may be assigned a disciplinary fine.

Noxious Odor

A noxious odor is ANY aroma of such intensity that it becomes apparent and/or offensive to others. Any odor can become noxious or offensive when it is too strong. Some examples are cigarette, cigar, or pipe smoke; incense; perfume; air freshening spray; large amounts of dirty laundry and marijuana smell (See Drug Policy). Furthermore, because incense is a fire hazard as well as a source of potentially noxious odor, it is prohibited in the residence halls at all times (see “Candles / Incense Policy”).


Painting is strictly prohibited. Residents may not apply paint to residence hall rooms or public space.

Parental and Guardian Notification

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) allows public colleges and universities to inform parents/guardians of alcohol and drug offenses committed by students who are under 21 years of age. In line with FERPA, University Housing Services make one-time parental/guardian notifications for second offense alcohol and drug violations or one time egregious violations.

When students under the age of 21 (at the time of the violation) are found in violation of the University Housing Services alcohol or drug policies as noted above the Associate Director will notify the students’ parents/guardians via email. The notification will indicate the student was found in violation of the University Housing Services alcohol and/or drug policy. The notice will not include specific details about the incident or the circumstances of the violation.

Parents/guardians interested in specific information concerning the outcome of their student’s University Housing Services conduct record are encouraged to discuss the incident with their student. Parents/guardians are encouraged to look here for information concerning the Housing Conduct Process and Housing Policies. If questions remain, parents/guardians may contact University Housing Services. Specific details concerning the violation cannot be shared without a FERPA waiver on file.

Personal Property

The University does not assume liability for a resident’s personal belongings and has no insurance to cover personal or property damage of resident. Therefore, the University strongly recommends that the resident obtain additional coverage, such as a renter’s insurance policy.

Residents should take the following precautions concerning the protection of their property in the residence halls:

  • When leaving a room, always lock the door and take the room key. If a room key is lost, residents should contact staff immediately regarding steps to take for obtaining a replacement.
  • Report lost electronic access cards/fobs immediately.
  • Report any broken or faulty locks to staff immediately.
  • Never prop doors open.
  • Do not leave laundry unattended in washing machines and dryers.
  • Avoid bringing large amounts of cash or valuables to campus.
  • Keep cash and valuables secure.
  • Close and lock windows when rooms are unoccupied, especially first-floor rooms.
  • Keep an inventory of property and when appropriate, keep a list of serial numbers and manufacturers. Residents should consider engraving their name or Sac State ID number onto the equipment or contacting Sacramento State Police Department to engrave personal property.
  • Report any unfamiliar persons or individuals immediately to staff. Residents should never admit anyone into the buildings who they do not know for certain is a resident or a member of the University staff. Never make assumptions about strangers’ identities or credentials.
  • If residents feel they are a victim of a crime, report immediately to the Sacramento State Police Department at (916) 278-6000. Also inform residence hall staff.


A student whose property introduces bed bug, roach or pest infestation may be financially liable for all or part of the cost of mitigating measures. The infested property will need to be removed. (See “Cleanliness—Room/Suite,” and “Health and Safety Inspections”).


The only type of pet or animal permitted in the residence halls are small, non-carnivorous fish. Fish must be kept in a clean, odor free and well-maintained aquarium. Aquariums are limited to a maximum of 10 gallons. Each resident is allowed one aquarium. Residents should be mindful of break periods and planned and unforeseen electrical outages which will shut down aquarium pumps and equipment.

Guests and visitors may not bring pet animals into the residence halls.

Pets found in violation of this policy will be removed immediately.

Additional cleaning and/or pest control resulting from unauthorized pets or unkempt aquariums will be charged to the resident.

For information on service and support animals, please contact University Housing Services at

Political Canvassing

During Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) or Residence Halls Association (RHA) student election time only, door-to-door canvassing by Sacramento State student candidates running for the office of President or Vice President of ASI or RHA may be permitted by making a formal request. Candidates can pick up an application at any residence hall front desk, can pick up an application at University Housing Services, or can download the Political Canvassing Application.

Political canvassing does not include the option to solicit money for any purpose (campaigns, charity or commercial). If approved to canvass, all candidates must abide by the following conditions:

  • Canvassing is only permitted on designated days and times: 2-5 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday and 5-8 p.m. on Wednesday and Friday. Canvassing is prohibited on Monday and weekends.
  • All applications must be completed and received at least 14 calendar days prior to the desired canvassing date.
  • University Housing Services staff will notify applicant if canvassing request has been approved within 10 days of the submittal date and will provide procedures on gaining access to residential areas.
  • No more than two (2) approved candidates may canvass in the residential complex on any designated night.
  • All canvassing candidates will be monitored and/or escorted by University Housing Services staff or designated members of the residential community.
  • Any materials distributed by candidates must adhere to the Community Expectations listed in the Guide to Residential Life Handbook and must contain the name of the sponsoring individual and organization.
  • Canvassers must be aware that to intimidate, harass, abuse, or threaten another by means of use or threatened use of physical or nonphysical force is a violation of campus and housing code of conduct. Candidates must take care that their canvassing does not “cross the line” into harassment or unethical behavior and residents must behave respectfully likewise toward canvassers. Individuals who believe that they have been intimidated, harassed, abused, or threatened may file a complaint with their Resident Assistant, Residence Life Coordinator or the Sac State Police Department.
  • Canvassers may not use sound amplifying devices or other techniques that might disturb the peace on the floor, hall or surrounding communities.
  • Canvassers must respect any form of contact refusal by a member(s) of the residential areas within which they are canvassing. Residential students may place a sign on their room, suite or apartment door indicating NO CANVASSING permitted. Canvassers must respect residents’ wishes to not be disturbed.
  • Canvassers are required to wear an identification badge at all times while in the halls.

Posting, Advertising, and Distribution of Materials

All materials for posting, advertising, or distribution within the housing complex must comply with University Housing Services guidelines.

Materials for posting by outside entities must be verified, stamped and disseminated by University Housing Services and posted on designated spaces. Materials not meeting these guidelines or materials that are considered obscene or encourage drug or alcohol use will not be posted and will be removed.

Materials should be single-sided and not exceed 11 inches by 17 inches in size. Exceptions may be approved by University Housing Services. Priority of posting materials will be based on the following order: University Housing Services, Residence hall Association (RHA), Student and Academic Departments, officially recognized organizations and clubs within Student Organization and Leadership (SO&L) and off campus agencies.

All postings must clearly identify the sponsoring organization, Sac State affiliation and contact email or phone number. All flyers pertaining to Greek letter organizations must have prior stamped approval from SO&L.

Postings will be removed two weeks from the date of posting with the exception of long-term programs sponsored by or through University Housing Services. All posted materials will be removed within 24 hours of the conclusion of the event.

Distribution of materials through mailboxes is restricted unless it meets the post office requirements for mailing or an exception is made by University Housing Services staff.


Pranking or playing a practical joke on another person can lead to injury, inappropriate behavior, or acts of retaliation that can be detrimental to the residence hall community.

3D Printers

3D printers are only allowed if approved by University Housing Services. This approval will be done on a case-by-case basis. All students wishing to have a 3D printer in their residence hall room must submit a request to University Housing Services via email (

In the request, the student must provide the following information about their 3D printer:

  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Filament type
  • Any other relevant information

Quiet and Courtesy Hours

Quiet Hours

Quiet Hours are in effect nightly from 10 p.m. to 9 a.m. inside and outside all residence halls. During these hours, no loud or disruptive activities, loud talking, or other disturbing noise that may be heard outside the room or in the areas surrounding the buildings are permitted. On Friday and Saturday evenings, quiet hours are in effect from 12 midnight to 9 a.m.

Courtesy Hours

Courtesy Hours are always in effect everywhere in the residence hall complex—seven (7) days a week, twenty-four (24) hours a day, inside and outside buildings. Residents are expected to acknowledge and respect the rights and needs of others. Community members have the right and are encouraged to appropriately confront noise at any time. University Housing Services Office reserves the right to relocate or remove students after continued violation of the Quiet and Courtesy Hours Policy. Beginning one week prior to final exams (Sunday through Saturday), all halls will observe extended quiet hours beginning at 7 p.m. During finals week (Sunday through closing) all halls will observe 24-hour quiet hours with courtesy hours scheduled between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. This extends to the areas outside the residence halls including the pool/quad areas and basketball/tennis courts.

Recreational Facilities

Recreational facilities are located on the North end of the housing complex and intended for the sole use of students who reside in the housing complex. Recreational facilities include - tennis court, basketball courts, and pools. Use of the pool is at residents’ own risk; there is no life guard on duty. Diving, pushing, or throwing individuals into the pool is prohibited at all times. No one under the age of 16 is permitted at the pool and, residents are responsible for their guests. Pool, Basketball and Tennis courts hours are from 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. daily. Additionally, the pool and pool area is closed during the winter months. The pool may not be reserved for private events.

Recycling In the Residence Halls

The California State University System (CSU) and Sacramento State are committed to integrating sustainability into teaching, service, research and facilities management—in other words, to weave “green practices” into every facet of the University. Thus, University Housing Services staff encourages residents to make environmentally-conscious decisions while in living in the residence halls, and to reduce, reuse, and recycle whenever they can.

What can residents recycle at the Residence Halls?

Ink Cartridges

To recycle empty toner and ink cartridges, residents simply need to bring them to the front desk of their Residence hall.

Paper and Cardboard

All clean, dry paper and cardboard (no pizza boxes) may be recycled, including:

  • White paper, colored paper and newsprint
  • Window and clasp envelopes
  • Glossy magazines and catalogs
  • Phonebooks and paperback books
  • Gift wrap and carbonless forms
  • Cardboard

Why Recycle Paper?

Paper recycling is the process of remanufacturing old paper products and turning them into new, reusable paper products. Recycling old paper products uses 60% less energy than manufacturing new materials. Most paper can be recycled up to 8 times to create new products.
Americans throw away enough writing and office paper annually to build a 12-foot high wall that stretches from New York City to Los Angeles. One ton of paper from recycled pulp saves 17 trees, 3 cubic yards of landfill space, 7,999 gallons of water, 4.2 kilowatt hours of energy (enough to heat your home for half a year), 390 gallons of oil, and prevents 60 pounds of air pollutants. It takes 75,000 trees to print a Sunday edition of the New York Times.

Paper makes up over 40% of our waste streams, making it the material that people throw away most. That means for every 100 pounds of trash we throw away, about 40 pounds of it is paper. If every individual recycled one newspaper every day, 41,000 trees could be saved.

Bottles and Cans

Please empty and rinse bottles and containers before recycling. The following types of bottles, cans, and containers may be recycled:

  • Aluminum cans
  • Aluminum foil
  • Steel cans (from soup, tuna, etc)
  • Glass bottles and jars of all colors (please remove the caps/lids)
  • #1 PETE plastic bottles (from water, sodas, etc.)
  • #2 HDPE plastic bottles (from shampoo, detergent, etc.)

Why Recycle Bottles and Cans?

Producing a soda can from aluminum uses 95% less energy than manufacturing a can from its raw material (bauxite) and produces 95% less air pollution and 97% less water pollution.

Recycled soda bottles (plastics #1) can be made into carpeting, fleece clothing, tote bags, picnic tables and traffic cones.

At current steel recycling rates, the U.S. saves enough energy to provide 18 million homes with electricity. Aluminum and steel have high scrap metal recycling value, so the more that individuals recycle, the more energy and money are saved.

Glass can be recycled repeatedly and never loses its quality or quantity. Americans use more than 100 million steel cans and more than 200 million aluminum beverage cans every day, enough to rebuild the entire U.S. commercial airliner fleet every three months.

Reduce your use of Bottles and Cans

Many local coffee shops offer a discount for bringing your own coffee mug. Get a reusable water bottle— most people don’t know that tap water must meet more stringent standards than bottled water.

How to Recycle Bottles, Cans, Plastic Bags, Paper, and Cardboard in the Residence Halls

The residence halls participate in the campus co-mingling recycling program. Each resident room is provided with one blue plastic recycling container. Residents should collect all food-free paper products and cardboard and place those items in the blue recycling container along with all of their aluminum, glass, and plastic containers. Once the blue recycling container is full, residents should bring it outside and dump it into the large white recycling bin in the back of their hall next to the garbage dumpster. In the American River Courtyard, recyclable trash should be dumped in the appropriate garbage chute (with the exception of non-broken down cardboard). In the American River Courtyard, clean cardboard that is not broken down should be taken to the 1st floor trash chute area for recycling. Cardboard that is not broken down and “stuffed” into the trash chute will plug the chute making it unusable. Staff will have to lock the chute until the plug can be removed. It is important that all paper and cardboard products have no food debris on them. Containers must also be rinsed to remove any food or beverages left in or on the containers, otherwise all the items in the recycling dumpster and will be thrown into our local landfill.


What is e-waste (or e-scrap)?

E-waste is a commonly used term for electronic products at the end of their “useful life.” Unwanted electronic products such as computers, printers, TVs, VCRs and stereos make up one of the fastest growing segments of our nation’s waste stream.

Why Should e-waste be eRecycled?

Many Californians are unaware that it is illegal to throw most unwanted electronics in the trash. The hazardous materials contained in these items, such as lead, can be harmful to the environment and human health if improperly disposed. E-waste also contains valuable resources that should be recovered— in other words, eRecycled.

What can be eRecycled in Residence Halls?

Items that can be eRecycled in the residence halls include: computers, monitors, printers, mice, keyboards, speakers, TVs, VCRs, DVD players, stereos, microwaves, lamps, blow dryers, chargers, power cords, cell phones, CDs, DVDs.

How to Recycle e-waste in the Residence Halls

Residents can turn in e-waste material into a designated location for proper recycling anytime of the academic year. Please see your hall staff for more information.

During the end of the fall and spring semesters, e-waste bins are provided in each hall for student use.


As of February 8, 2006, all Californians are required by law (California Code of Regulations, title 22, division 4.5, chapter 23) to recycle batteries through an authorized agent or recycling facility. As a regulated waste, businesses and households can be held liable for not maintaining compliance with the requirements of the “Universal Waste Rule.” Universal wastes are wastes that are generated by a wide range of the public and so the state has authorized less stringent regulations on their handling and management. Included in this category of universal waste are batteries, fluorescent lamps, mercury-containing devices and electronic waste (e-waste).

Why Recycle Batteries?

Besides the regulatory mandate, batteries contain metals or other toxic or corrosive materials. Individual batteries pose a minimal risk to people or the environment, but an accumulation of them in a landfill could lead to soil and groundwater contamination. Metals reclaimed from recycled batteries can be used to make new products. The best option is to use rechargeable batteries such as nickel cadmium, lithium, or nickel metal hydride that can help reduce the amount of battery waste generated, thus promoting a more sustainable environment.

What Batteries can be Recycled in the Residence Halls?

Any battery of any type or size that exhibits a hazardous characteristic or contains metals must be recycled. This includes the following:

  • One-time use batteries (including alkaline, silver button, zinc-carbon)
  • Rechargeable batteries (including nickel cadmium, lithium, nickel metal hydride)
  • Small lead acid batteries (including burglar alarm, emergency light, power backup)

How to Recycle Batteries in the Residence Halls

Each hall front desk has a collection container for residents to turn in batteries for recycling.

Room Capacity Policy

For fire safety, the following room capacity guidelines have been set for your room:

Jenkins, Draper, Desmond, Riverview, Sierra, and Klamath

  • Double/Triple Occupancy Rooms: 8 Maximum
  • Single Occupancy Rooms: 4 Maximum

American River Courtyard

  • Total in suite: 15 Maximum
  • Studios: 4 Maximum

Requests to temporarily waive this policy for special occasions (e.g. birthdays, celebrations, etc.) must be made with the Residence Life Coordinator at least 7 calendar days prior to the event.

Roommate Mediation

Roommates that are threatening, hostile, or who refuse to engage in the mediation process will be moved (see “Community Living: Roommate Mediations”).

Smoke and Tobacco Products

Sacramento State is considered a Smoke and Tobacco Free campus. Smoking, the use or sale of tobacco products, and the use of designated smoking areas are prohibited on all California State University properties.

Smoking is prohibited inside all buildings within the housing complex. Smoking is defined as inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, or other smoking apparatus. Electronic cigarette use or vaping is also prohibited on campus. Hookahs, either fully or partially assembled, are prohibited in student rooms. The heating of hookah coals is prohibited within residence halls.

Social Media and Electronic Communication

Any conduct taken via social media, online communities, or through electronic communications (text, pictures, and videos) that violates any University Housing Services policy or University policy will be considered a violation of policy. In addition, residents should be aware that materials sent electronically or posted on social media may be used as evidence during the student conduct process for policy violations occurring in the residence halls.

Please follow recommended safety guidelines (See “Reslink Communication Services & Online Safety”) when sharing personal information on social networking sites and online communities. Personal information includes hall and room number, cell phone number, date of birth and photographs.


Door to door solicitation both commercial and noncommercial is strictly prohibited. Sliding ads/fliers under doors or using door hangers is strictly prohibited.

Sports or sport-like activities are prohibited in the residence halls (including, but not limited to: baseball, football, basketball, hockey, soccer, bicycle riding, skateboarding, rollerblading, running, Frisbee-tossing, scooter riding, etc.). Additionally, toy guns (see “Firearms and Weapons”), water guns and water balloons are not permitted inside the residence halls. Continued violations or non-compliance with requests to cease the aforementioned activities may result in the confiscation of sports or related equipment, or other disciplinary action.

The Student Conduct Process

University Housing Services Student Conduct Process

As indicated in the code of conduct, “Any conduct which violates University and housing policies or regulations may subject a student to disciplinary action.” All conduct cases are handled by the University Student Conduct Officer or their designee and follow the procedures outlined in Executive Order 1098.

The Associate Director oversees the University Housing Services conduct process. However, there are additional staff members that serve as University Housing Services (UHS) Conduct Officers for the informal conduct meeting process.

These individuals include:

  • Executive Director of University Housing Services Division of Student
  • Director of University Housing Services
  • Associate Director of Residential Education
  • Assistant Director and/or Residence Hall Life Coordinators (RHCs)
  • Hornet Commons Residence Life Manager
  • Hornet Commons Director of Affiliated Housing
  • Graduate Student Assistants (GSAs)

All violations of University Policy and/or University Housing Services Policy will generally be handled by University Housing Services. Incidents involving repeated violations or potential dismissal or expulsion from the University are forwarded to the University Student Conduct Officer.

Below is a description of the University Housing Services Student Conduct process for students living in the residence halls.

  1. If a student allegedly violates University, University Housing Services, or Affiliated Housing policies, an Incident Report is submitted based on information gathered during the incident and submitted within 24 hours of the incident occurring. A Residence Hall Coordinator (RHC) will then be assigned to the incident. Based on the information in the incident report, the RHC will decide either to take no further action or to require the student(s) involved to meet with a UHS Conduct Officer for an informal conduct meeting.
  2. If an informal conduct meeting is necessary, the student will be notified about the date, time, and location of their conduct meeting. This notification will be through the student’s Sac State email. It is the student’s responsibility to check their campus email and be present at the meeting.
  3. Failure to attend a scheduled conduct meeting or to reschedule in advance, as outlined in the notification letter, may result in a decision being made in the student’s absence or may result in a hold being placed on the student’s account.
  4. During the conduct meeting the UHS Conduct Officer, will review with the student a summary of the incident and the alleged violations, as well as discuss their behavior in regard to the incident.
  5. After all information has been presented, the UHS Conduct Officer will assess whether there is a preponderance of evidence to determine if a student did or did not violate the University Housing Services Policy. Preponderance means the majority. The standard is met if the alleged violation is more likely to be true than not true. The standard is satisfied if there is a greater than fifty percent chance that the alleged violation is true. If the student is found responsible for violating University Housing Services Policy, appropriate sanction(s) will be assigned.
  6. The sanctioning process typically involves two forms of sanctions. The first is inactive sanctions that include warnings, probations, etc. These sanctions are listed below. Other potential sanctions include educational sanctions. The UHS Conduct Officer will describe these sanctions and the expectations for these sanctions in person and in the outcome letter.
  7. The student may appeal the decision (see Appeals Process below).
  8. All conduct cases are confidential, and case files are kept on record for seven years.

University Housing Services Sanctions

When a UHS Conduct Officer assigns a sanction, it indicates the student has been found responsible for violating University Housing Services policy. Such sanctions are designed to help the student understand how their behavior impacted others in the residence halls. Besides the sanctions listed below, other sanctions could be assigned including, but not limited to, the following: loss of privilege, fines, student registration holds, completion of an educational module and/or project, along with other educational sanctions. Failure to complete required sanctions may result in additional sanctioning including a hold being placed on the student’s account.

Housing Warning

Notification that the resident was found responsible for violating University Housing Services policy.

Housing Probation

The resident is no longer in good standing. Further violations may result in relocation or removal or other loss of privileges.

Housing Relocation

Relocation of a resident to another room or residence hall.

Housing Removal

Removal of a resident from housing for a specific period of time or permanently.

Appeals Process

The student may appeal the decision of their informal hearing by submitting an appeal from their campus email account to the Associate Director within five (5) working days of receiving their hearing outcome letter. Specific information about the Associate Director and their contact information will be provided in the student’s outcome letter. Appeal decisions and incidents that involve drugs, alcohol, relocation, and removal from housing shall be made in consultation with the Senior Director, Executive Director, and/or Director of Affiliated Housing.

Threatening Behavior

Conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person within or related to the residence hall community, including fighting, physical assault or abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, or sexual misconduct is prohibited.

Title IX Notice of Non-Discrimination

The California State University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, gender, or sexual orientation in its education programs or activities. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and certain other federal and state laws, prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in all education programs and activities operated by the university (both on and off campus). Title IX protects all people regardless of their gender or gender identity from sex discrimination, which includes sexual harassment and violence [1].

Sexual Misconduct

All sexual activity between members of the CSU community must be based on affirmative consent. Engaging in any sexual activity without first obtaining affirmative consent to the specific activity is sexual misconduct, whether or not the conduct violates any civil or criminal law.

Sexual activity includes, but is not limited to, kissing, touching intimate body parts, fondling, intercourse, penetration of any body part, and oral sex. It also includes any unwelcome physical sexual acts, such as unwelcome sexual touching, sexual assault, sexual battery, rape, and dating violence. When it is based on gender, domestic violence and stalking also constitute sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct may include physical force, violence, threat, or intimidation, ignoring the objections of the other person, causing the other person’s intoxication or incapacitation through the use of drugs or alcohol, or taking advantage of the other person’s incapacitation (including voluntary intoxication). Men as well as women can be victims of these forms of sexual misconduct. Sexual activity with a minor is never consensual when the Complainant is under 18 years old, because the minor is considered incapable of giving legal consent due to age.

  • Sexual Assault is a form of sexual misconduct and is an attempt, coupled with the ability, to commit a violent injury on the person of another because of that person’s gender or sex.
  • Sexual Battery is a form of sexual misconduct and is any willful and unlawful use of force or violence upon the person of another because of that person’s gender or sex as well as touching an intimate part of another person against that person’s will and for the purpose of sexual arousal, gratification, or abuse.
  • Rape is a form of sexual misconduct and is non-consensual sexual intercourse that may also involve the use of threat of force, violence, or immediate and unlawful bodily injury or threats of future retaliation and duress. Any sexual penetration, however slight, is sufficient to constitute rape. Sexual acts including intercourse are considered non-consensual when a person is incapable of giving consent because s/he is incapacitated from alcohol and/or drugs, is under 18 years old, or if a mental disorder or developmental or physical disability renders a person incapable of giving consent. The Respondent’s relationship to the person (such as family member, spouse, friend, acquaintance or stranger) is irrelevant. (See complete definition of affirmative consent below.)
  • Acquaintance Rape is a form of sexual misconduct committed by an individual known to the victim. This includes a person the victim may have just met; i.e., at a party, introduced through a friend, or on a social networking website. (See above for definition of Rape.)

Sexual Discrimination

Sexual Discrimination means an adverse action taken against an individual because of gender or sex (including sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, and sexual misconduct) as prohibited by Title IX; Title IV; VAWA/Campus SaVE Act; California Education Code § 66250 et seq.; and/or California Government Code § 11135. See also Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (Cal. Govt. Code § 12940 et seq.), and other applicable laws. Both men and women can be victims of Sex Discrimination.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment is unwelcome verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that includes, but is not limited to sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and any other conduct of a sexual nature where:

  • Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct is explicitly or implicitly used as the basis for any decision affecting a student’s academic status or progress, or access to benefits and services, honors, programs, or activities available at or through the University; or
  • Such conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that its effect, whether or not intended, could be considered by a reasonable person in the shoes of the student, and is in fact considered by the student, as limiting the student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities or opportunities offered by the University; or
  • Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct by a University employee is explicitly or implicitly used as the basis for any decision affecting a term or condition of employment, or an employment decision or action; or
  • Such conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that its effect, whether or not intended, could be considered by a reasonable person in the shoes of the University employee or third party, and is in fact considered by the University employee or third party, as intimidating, hostile or offensive.

Sexual Harassment could include being forced to engage in unwanted sexual contact as a condition of membership in a student organization; being subjected to video exploitation or a campaign of sexually explicit graffiti; or frequently being exposed to unwanted images of a sexual nature in a classroom that are unrelated to the coursework.

Sexual Harassment also includes acts of verbal, non-verbal or physical aggression, intimidation or hostility based on Gender or sex-stereotyping, even if those acts do not involve conduct of a sexual nature.

This policy covers unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. While romantic, sexual, intimate, personal or social relationships between members of the University community may begin as consensual, they may evolve into situations that lead to Sexual Harassment or Sexual Misconduct, including Dating or Domestic Violence, or Stalking, subject to this policy.

The University is required to designate a Title IX Coordinator to monitor and oversee overall Title IX compliance.

Our campus Title IX Coordinator is available to explain and discuss:

  • The University’s process for addressing discrimination or harassment complaints, including how confidentiality is handled;
  • Your right to file a criminal complaint (sexual violence, dating/domestic violence, or stalking);
  • Available support resources, both on and off-campus; and other related matters.

Campus Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinator Contact Information:

Other Campus Resources

Sacramento State’s Violence and Sexual Assault Support Services
Laura Swartzen

University Police
Public Service Building
Dispatch: (916) 278-6000
Emergency: (916) 278-6900 or dial 911 from any campus phone

Additional information about the Title IX Coordinator’s office and available resources may be found at The Title IX Sac State website.

Members of the campus community must be familiar with the following documents: CSU Executive Order 1095- provides information about campus updates on sexual harassment and violence.

Includes three important attachments:

  • One - Full notice on Non Discrimination including additional definitions;
  • Two - Educational Statement containing Myths and Facts about sexual violence; and
  • Three - Statement of Rights and Options for Victims of Sexual Violence, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking.

CSU Executive Order 1096 - policy for allegations by employees or third parties of discrimination, harassment or retaliation [2]

CSU Executive Order 1097 - policy for allegations by students of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation[3]

CSU Executive Order 1098 - policy for student conduct and disciplinary action

[1] The following definitions may be found in CSU Executive Order 1095

[2] This includes discrimination or harassment based on any protected category, including sex.

[3] This includes discrimination or harassment based on any protected category, including sex.

University Housing Services Policy Changes

University Housing Services reserves the right to change any of the policies at any time and will notify residents of any such changes via communications through their campus mailbox, campus email, and/or building postings.


Residents are responsible for the regular and proper disposal of personal trash. Dumpsters are located in the back of each hall. Plastic liners are available for room trash cans at the hall front desk. Personal garbage should not be placed in bathroom or laundry room trash receptacles, inside or outside any public areas, on roofs, or in parking lots. Residents will be charged if trash is left in an inappropriate location (see “Health and Safety Inspections,” “Littering”).


Vandalism to any Residence Life or University building, machinery, property, or signage (including bulletin boards, fliers, posters and signs) is prohibited. Violations of this policy will result in individual or shared billing and/or disciplinary action.

Windows and Window Screens

  • Climbing in or out of windows is prohibited.
  • In order to protect individuals who may be walking outside the residence hall, no object of any kind may be thrown, dropped, pushed out of, placed outside of and/or allowed to fall from any residence hall window.
  • Residents may not remove window screens and will be billed for any damage. Labor charges to reinstall window screens will be applied.
  • Due to fire safety considerations and the possibility of significant damage to residence hall room or suite windows, residents are prohibited from posting or hanging material on either side of residence hall windows. Only University-provided blinds, curtains or draperies may be used in resident rooms. Drawing, painting, or writing on windows is prohibited except during University celebrations such as Homecoming. Residents must consult Residence Life Coordinators with questions on permissible activity.
  • Removal of window magnets from AMC windows is prohibited.

Wired and Wireless Computer Access

  • Wired and wireless access to the Sacramento State network must be authenticated with a valid SacLink network account.
  • Residents are not permitted to operate a personal wired or wireless router or any device that interferes with the campus wired or wireless infrastructure. Such signals compete and conflict with Sacramento State’s wireless signal.
  • Wireless access points are located throughout the residence halls and suites in common areas as well as rooms. Tampering or removal of any wireless access point is prohibited.