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Organization Recognition Process
Existing Student Organizations - Fall Renewal Process
Every Fall semester, student organizations must renew their recognition, by September 30th. Clubs with ineligible officers from the previous year are placed on suspended status and should work to update their registration as soon as possible, though no later than September 30th.
To renew your recognition, complete the following steps in this order:
- Step 1 - Nuts and Bolts Workshop: The President and Treasurer must attend a Nuts and Bolts workshop.
Optional: Organizations may have up to 3 additional officers approved to transact club business – these students must attend a Nuts and Bolts workshop and submit the Officer Agreement Form. - Step 2 – Submitting the Organization Registration: All clubs are put into transition automatically in August. Following Nuts and Bolts, an officer must submit the Organization Registration through CampusGroups. To submit your Organization Registration: visit CampusGroups, click "Groups", and then "All Groups". Find your club in the list and click "Group Re-Registration".
Following submission of the Organization Registration, club presidents will be assigned the Club President Task Checklist in CampusGroups with an overview of tasks required before the club registration process can be completed and approved. - Step 3 – Officer and Advisor Approval and Agreements: All officers listed on the registration and Faculty/Staff Advisors must complete agreement forms in CampusGroups.
Officers: Upon submitting the Organization Registration, officers will be sent an email to approve their role with their specific club. They also need to complete their Officer Agreement Form.
Faculty/Staff Advisors: Upon submitting the Organization Registration, the faculty/staff advisor will be sent an email to approve their role with their specific club. Faculty/Staff Advisors must access and submit a University Faculty or Staff Advisor Agreement; this needs to only be submitted once an academic year. - Step 4 – President Checklist: The President must complete all tasks assigned via the Club President Tasks Checklist in Campus Groups including updating the club roster, adding a club contact email and reviewing CampusGroups officer resources. All assigned tasks must be completed before SO&L approval can be granted.
- Step 5 - SO&L Review: Once submitted, your Organization Registration will be reviewed by your SO&L Advisor. The person who submitted the registration will be notified via CampusGroups if there are edits needed. Any errors must be addressed promptly. Organizations will be notified of SO&L approval via CampusGroups. Once approved, organizations should not make any changes to the Organization Registration without first notifying their SO&L Advisor.
- Step 6 - Club Agreement Form (CAF): Optional for organizations wishing to receive funding from the university or access funds in an existing ASI bank account.
Once your organization has been approved in Step 5, the Treasurer can submit an ASI Club Account Form to open a club bank account or gain access to an existing account. Only officers who have completed the process in Step 1 and are listed on your Organization Registration may be listed on your CAF form. Info on how to complete the CAF and other Treasurer resources can be found on the Treasurer Resources Page.
Existing Student Organizations - Spring Renewal Process
In Spring, all groups that have officer changes must renew their organization recognition before March 1st. Clubs with ineligible officers from the previous semester are placed on suspended status and should work to update their registration as soon as possible, though no later than March 1st. Other changes can also be summited at this time, please reach out to your SO&L Advisor to do so.
To renew your recognition, complete the following steps in this order:
- Step 1 - Nuts and Bolts Workshop: New officers who have yet to attend a Nuts and Bolts workshop Nuts and Bolts workshop for the academic year must do so.
Optional: Organizations must have a President & Treasurer and may have up to 3 additional officers approved to transact club business – these students must attend a Nuts and Bolts workshop and submit the Officer Agreement Form. - Step 2 - Submitting the Organization Registration: All clubs MUST email their SO&L Advisor to be put into transition for Spring when the org has officer(s), advisor, or any other changes. An officer must submit the Organization Registration through CampusGroups. To submit your Organization Registration: visit CampusGroups, click "Groups", and then "All Groups". Find your club in the list and click "Group Re-Registration".
Following submission of the Organization Registration, club presidents will be assigned the Club President Task Checklist in CampusGroups with an overview of tasks required before the club registration process can be completed and approved. - Step 3 - Officer and Advisor Approval and Agreements: All officers listed on the registration and Faculty/Staff Advisors must complete agreement forms in CampusGroups.
Officers: Upon submitting the Organization Registration, officers will be sent an email to approve their role with their specific club. They also need to complete their Officer Agreement Form.
Faculty/Staff Advisors: Upon submitting the Organization Registration, the faculty/staff advisor will be sent an email to approve their role with their specific club. Faculty/Staff Advisors must access and submit a University Faculty or Staff Advisor Agreement; this needs to only be submitted once an academic year. - Step 4 - President Checklist: The President must complete all tasks assigned via the Club President Tasks Checklist in Campus Groups including updating the club roster, adding a club contact email and reviewing CampusGroups officer resources. All assigned tasks must be completed before SO&L approval can be granted.
- Step 5 - SO&L Review: Once submitted, your Organization Registration will be reviewed by your SO&L Advisor. The person who submitted the registration will be notified via CampusGroups if there are edits needed. Any errors must be addressed promptly. Organizations will be notified of SO&L approval via CampusGroups. Once approved, organizations should not make any changes to the Organization Registration without first notifying their SO&L Advisor.
- Step 6 - Club Agreement Form (CAF): Optional for organizations wishing to receive funding from the university or access funds in an existing ASI bank account.
Once your organization has been approved in Step 5, the Treasurer can submit an ASI Club Account Form to open a club bank account or gain access to an existing account. Only officers who have completed the process in Step 1 and are listed on your Organization Registration may be listed on your CAF form. Info on how to complete the CAF and other Treasurer resources can be found on the Treasurer Resources Page.
New Organizations/Organizations Returning from Inactivity
Only currently enrolled students of Sacramento State may start student organizations. Organizations wishing to be recognized for the first time or who have been inactive on campus must follow this process to obtain recognition. New organizations must complete the recognition process by October 15th to be recognized in the Fall semester and March 15th for the Spring semester.
Prior to gaining recognition, an organization may not sponsor programs, seek funding in the name of the organization from any source or conduct fundraising activities in connection with membership recruitment.
To restart or begin a new organization, complete the following steps in this order:
- Step 1 - Nuts and Bolts Workshop: The President and Treasurer must attend a Nuts and Bolts workshop
Optional: Organizations may have up to 3 additional officers approved to transact club business- these students must attend a Nuts and Bolts workshop and submit the Officer Agreement Form. - Step 2 - Intent to Organize Meeting: One of the individuals who has attended Nuts & Bolts (preferably the intended President or Treasurer) will need to schedule a meeting with a Student Organizations & Leadership Advisor to discuss their plans and submit an Intent to Organize. For Spring, these meetings are not able to be scheduled until the week prior to classes starting.
Following the meeting, the group is permitted to use University facilities on three occasions for organization purposes over a 30-day period or until the semester recognition deadline (whichever comes first). During this time, the group should be able to ascertain if there are other interested students warranting formation of an organization and prepare the registration materials.
Please note: in order to be recognized a group must add to the mission of the University without duplicating existing organizations. - Step 3 - Submitting the Organization Registration: An officer must submit the Organization New Registration through CampusGroups through the link provided in the Intent to Organize meeting. Following submission of the Organization Registration, club presidents will be assigned the Club President Task Checklist in CampusGroups with an overview of tasks required before the club registration process can be completed and approved.
- Step 4 - Officer and Advisor Approval and Agreements: All officers listed on the registration and Faculty/Staff Advisors must complete agreement forms in CampusGroups.
Officers: Upon submitting the Organization Registration, officers will be sent an email to approve their role with their specific club. They also need to complete their Officer Agreement Form.
Faculty/Staff Advisors: Upon submitting the Organization Registration, the faculty/staff advisor will be sent an email to approve their role with their specific club. Faculty/Staff Advisors must access and submit a University Faculty or Staff Advisor Agreement; this needs to only be submitted once an academic year. - Step 5 - SO&L Review & Provisional Approval: Once submitted, your Organization Registration will be reviewed by your SO&L Advisor. The person who submitted the registration will be notified via CampusGroups if there are edits needed. Any errors must be addressed promptly. Organizations will be notified of SO&L provisional approval via CampusGroups.
- Step 6 - President Checklist & Formal Approval: Now that the club page is in the system, the President must complete all tasks assigned via the Club President Tasks Checklist in Campus Groups including updating the club roster, adding a club contact email and reviewing CampusGroups officer resources. All assigned tasks must be completed before SO&L formal approval can be granted. Once approved, organizations should not make any changes to the Organization Registration without first notifying their SO&L Advisor.
- Step 7 - Club Agreement Form (CAF): Optional for organizations wishing to receive funding from the university or access funds in an existing ASI bank account.
Once your organization has been approved in Step 6, the Treasurer can submit an ASI Club Account Form to open a club bank account or gain access to an existing account. Only officers who have completed the process in Step 1 and are listed on your Organization Registration may be listed on your CAF form. Info on how to complete the CAF and other Treasurer resources can be found on the Treasurer Resources Page.
Late Renewal
Renewing organizations who do not meet the registration deadlines may request permission for Late Renewal from their SO&L Advisor. If permitted, organizations must meet the renewal requirements and submit a letter to their SO&L Advisor to address the following points:
- Why the group missed the deadline
- Why the group needs to be recognized this semester
- How the group will ensure that the deadline is adhered to in the future
No organization late renewal appeals will be considered after October 15th for Fall and March 15th for Spring. Organizations are not permitted to pursue late renewal more than two times in a two-year period.
Organization Changes After Registration Approval
Following the registration approval, a student organization may find the need to edit and resubmit their registration (i.e. officer changes, constitution updates). To do so, the club must reach out to their SO&L Advisor for the organization to be able to edit the Organization Registration.
Please note: all student organizations are automatically placed into transition in August to complete the annual organization re-registration required of all clubs.