Faculty Portrait

Contact Information

Name: Ronald M. Coleman (he/him/his)

Title: Professor, Biological Sciences

Office Location: TSC 3023, LAB: 119 Humboldt Hall

Email: rcoleman@csus.edu or rcoleman@cichlidresearch.com

Office Phone: (916) 278-3474 or (916) 278-4063 or Cell: 916-705-2606

Mailing Address: Department of Biological Sciences, 6000 J Street, California State University Sacramento, Sacramento, CA 95819-6077

Office Hours: Wed 2pm-5pm (or by appointment) in Hmb 119

Evolutionary Ecology of Fishes Laboratory : http://www.csus.edu/indiv/c/colemanr/

Updated : September 8, 2024


Schedule and Philosophy

Courses that I teach:

  • Undergraduate: Bio 1: Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity; Bio 9:The Living World: Evolution, Ecology & Behavior  (non-majors);  Bio 10: Basic Biological Concepts; Bio 100: Introduction to Scientific Analysis; Bio 109: Biology of Dinosaurs; Bio 162: Ichthyology; Bio 167: Quantitative Reasoning;  Bio 169: Animal Behavior; Bio 173: Fisheries; Bio 186B: Ecological and Environmental Issues Seminar; Bio 188: Evolution; Bio 199: Undergraduate Research; NSM 21: Freshman Seminar
  • Graduate: Bio 221B: Research Methods; Bio 260: Advanced Ecology; Bio 269: Behavioural Ecology; Bio 273: Advanced Fisheries; Bio 299: Graduate Research

Sample lecture from Bio 169 (Animal Behavior) Spring 2021

My Lab

Evolutionary Ecology of Fishes Laboratory:  http://www.csus.edu/indiv/c/colemanr/

Recent Publications


ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0003-1756-2969


Parvis, E.S. and R.M. Coleman (2020) Sexual dimorphism and size-related changes in body shape in Tule Perch (Family: Embiotocidae), a native California live-bearing fish. Copeia 2020:12-18.

Brumbaugh, S. and R.M. Coleman (2017) Evaluation of Bayesian Networks for Predicting Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawtyscha) spawning Habitat Quality in Data-Poor Watersheds. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.

McClearn D., Castro E., Coleman R., Espeleta J., Garcia-Robledo C., Gilman A., Gonzalez J., Joyce A.T., Kuprewicz E., Longino J., Michel N., Rodriguez C.M., Romero A., Soto C., Vargas A., Wendt A., Whitfield S., Timm R.M. (2016) The Caribbean Lowland Evergreen Moist and Wet Forests. Chapter 15 in Costa Rican Ecosystems (Ed., Kappelle M.) University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois.

Lasko, G.R., Titus, R.G., Ferreira, J.R. and R.M. Coleman (2014) Straying of late-fall run Chinook salmon from the Coleman National Fish Hatchery into the lower American River, California. California Fish and Game 100:665-682.

Bajjaliya, F.S., Titus, R.G., Ferreira, J.R. and R.M. Coleman (2014) Morphometric variation among four distinct population segments of California steelhead trout. California Fish and Game 100:703-726.

.... older publications at http://www.csus.edu/indiv/c/colemanr/    

Research Projects/Interests

What I do...

Cichlid Research Home Page

Committees and Activities

Carlsen Center Advisory Board  https://www.csus.edu/center/carlsen/hornetcombs/governance-advisory-board-campus.html
CFA (California Faculty Association) representative for Biological Sciences  (link to the current Contract)
C.O.A.S.T. (CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science and Technology)
CSUS Natural History Museums
Department of Biological Sciences Scholarship Committee (2023-2025)
Dinner with a STEM Professional (Oct 2024)
EEC Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Group
Field Biology Group (faculty advisor)
McNair Scholars Program (faculty mentor)
Moss Landing Marine Laboratory (CSUS representative to MLML)
Museum of Ectothermic Vertebrates (Curator)
NSM Academic Council (through spring 2026)
NSM Secondary Committee (Chair 2024-2025, serving through 2025)

OTS REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Summer 2022, Costa Rica
Peer Review Committee (PRC) (2018-2024)
Sacramento State Online Natural History Museum (curator)
University Experts Guide
WRPI (CSU Water Resources, Policy and Initiatives)
Field Biology Group (new site)

"The buck stops here". Feel free to contact me with issues related to the above groups and committees.


Past or Dormant Committees

AITC Academic Information Technology Committee, NSM representative (to Spring 2024, Vice Chair 2023-2024)
Canada Exchange Committee (for CSUS Study Abroad program)  (committee is dormant now)
CSUS Student Research Competition (Faculty advisor)
Department of Biological Sciences Budget, Equipment, Space and Safety Committee (2019-2023)
Expanding Your Horizons 2023   Oct 14, 2023e-WPAF committee
MakerSpace Advisory Committee
OneWorld Committee (2022-2023 theme is "Global Perspectives on Healing")
On The Rise Capital Campaign Ambassador
STARmentor program (faculty mentor)
Student Research Center Interim Director 2019-2023
USGS Environmental Studies, Geology and Ecology Colloquium Series

Evolutionary Ecology of Fishes Laboratory Logo

Latest News

  • New Graduate Students for Fall 2024: Trevor Asbury, Claire Carter, Analicia Ortega
  • Jacynda Fernandez won first place in the CSUS Student Research Competition (Biological Sciences, Undergrad session) for her work on hybridization of cichlids in Costa Rica
  • Olivia Sinclair gave a talk at the Pacific Coast Cichlid Association (Aug 12, 2023) on her Masters thesis research on fecundity in cichlids
  • New Graduate Students for Fall 2023 Hailey Odell, Ben Rivera, Rachel Loeffler
  • Kristyn Schulte finished Masters degree
  • Olivia Sinclair finished Masters degree. She is now doing her PhD at Oxford University, United Kingdom
  • Olivia Sinclair placed third in Sac State Grad Slam, and went on to represent CSUS stem at the systemwide event
  • New Graduate Students for Fall 2022: Hailey Donaldson, Kiana Poier, Amelia Tauber
  • Veronica Carruth accepted into NSM Summer Undergradaute Research Experience (SURE) program
  • Ayelet Delascagigas finished Masters degree
  • New Graduate Students for Fall 2021: Olivia Sinclair and Stephen Gergeni
  • Ashton Espino accepted into OTS Summer REU in Costa Rica
  • Kenzie Akers accepted into NSM Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program
  • Leigh Sanders got admitted into the Integrative Genetics and Genomics PhD program at UC Davis
  • New graduate students for Fall 2020: Rachael DeVaughn, Anessa Forshey
  • Colleen Moore finshed Masters degree
  • Hali Rederer finished Masters degree
  • Riad Morrar got accepted into UC Davis Medical School
  • Emily Hadjes accepted into the Masters program at San Jose State University for Fall 2020
  • Anessa Forshey accepted into the Masters program at Sacramento State
  • Hailey Donaldson and Breann Benitez were awarded Summer 2020 NSM SURE awards
  • Breann Benitez was accepted into OTS Summer REU in Costa Rica (unfortunately, the program had to be cancelled due to Covid 19)
  • paper published:  Parvis, E. and R. Coleman (2020) Sexual Dimorphism and Size-related Changes in Body Shape in Tule Perch (Family: Embiotocidae), a Native California Live-Bearing Fish. Copeia 2020:12-18.
  • We are profoundly sad to announce that Brian Keegan, who started his Masters degree in the lab in Fall 2019,  died on Feb 28, 2020, age 28.
  • Ron was awarded the Outstanding Faculty Award for Scholarly and Creative Activities in NSM for 2019/2020 Academic Year
  • Ron Coleman and Anessa Forshey were featured in an article on the Expanding Your Horizons workshop "Fun With Fishes" Nov 2, 2019
  • Ron won second place in the first annual NSM Pitch Contest Oct 25, 2019
  • Ron appeared in a video about the NSM Student Research Competition  Oct 24
  • Ron was appointed Interim Director of the Student Research Center for CSUS (Fall 2019-Spring 2020)
  • New Graduate Students (Fall 2019) Crystal Rigby, Brian Keegan
  • Recent graduates: Jamie LeFevre (MS) Summer 2019
  • Raiyna Villasenor won first place in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology section of the national 2019 Sigma Xi Student Research Showcase
  • NSM SURE award Summer 2019 to Leigh Sanders
  • Leigh Sanders won "best oral presentation" for Ecology/Evolution at the West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference (San Diego, April 6, 2019)
  • Kristyn Schulte won "Honorable mention" for her NSF Graduate Research Fellowship application (April 8, 2019)
  • Breann Benitez accepted into OTS Summer REU at La Selva
  • Macy Petrula accpted into Harvard University summer REU
  • 2018 SAD/ARA grants to Breann Benitez, Andrew Stilleke, Raiyna Villasenor, Hali Rederer;
  • Kimmy Swafford accepted into medical school at Western University of Health Sciences (Pomona), Erik Christiansen accepted in UC Davis vet program...
  • 12 poster presentations at the NSM Research Symposium (Oct 5, 2018)
  • Expanding Your Horizons ("Fun with Fishes" Fall 2018
  • Summer 2018 Successes: Laura Givens now in PhD at Duke, Chris Keyes in PhD at Duke, Jerene Pfeiffer in MS at University of the Pacific, Rafi Feroz in Dentistry in Arizona, Peggy Brady in PhD at UC Riverside, Mark Volpe accepted into Master of Nursing at John Hopkins, ...
  • New Graduate Students: Chad Hirano, Kristyn Schulte (Fall 2018)
  • 'Recent graduates: Angela Akens (MS) Spring 2018
  • http://www.abc10.com/news/what-is-seal-finger-disease-/443635860
  • Biological Sciences Living Gallery -- Fabulous Fishes display
  • http://www.csus.edu/news/articles/2016/6/3/Family-friendly-fish-frolic-at-Sacramento-State.shtml
  • Cichlid Fry Project
  • New Graduate Students: Ayelet Delascagigas (Spring 2018)
  • Recent graduates: Jeff Changaris (MS) Fall 2017; Beth Parvis (MS) Spring 2016; Erin Strange (MS) Spring 2016; Steve Brumbaugh (MS) Spring 2015
  • Video of mouthbrooding posted on BBC Earth (October 2014)
  • STEM talk by Ron Coleman, Tues Feb 21, 2012 Here is a streaming video of this talk (scroll down to "Feb 21, 2012 Underwater Treasures....")
  • Made at Sac State: NSM. My segment is in the NSM in the Community: MACE and STEM portion.
  • I was awarded the Outstanding University Service Award for the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in 2016, the Outstanding Teacher Award for NSM in 2014, and the Outstanding Community Service Award for NSM in 2012.

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